HL Slash recs

Dec 21, 2008 21:08


Hearts at War by Jazzy

Something Unexpected by Jazzy

The Kiss by Holde_Maid

for great fanfiction go here http://hlfiction.net/categories.php


Title: Anachronistic and Impulsive
Author: Aeron Lanart
Genre: crossover - Dresden Files/Highlander;
Series: With Friends Like These... based on TV Dresden, but with book series cameos.
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Pairing/Characters: Bob and Harry from DF, Methos and a friend from HL (no I ain't telling in advance!)
Summary: Methos makes a call, Harry finds out who to...

Title: A Place to Stand
Author: Classified
Characters: Methos, Duncan, OC baddie and some OC townsfolk for background.
Rating: PG13 for violence and language.
Author's Notes: I've had the setting for this story in my head for so long, I was thrilled to finally get to use it.
Summary: Methos has made himself a home in the middle of nowhere, safe from the sort of trouble that plagues Paris and Seacouver, until Duncan shows up.

Title: A Bang-up Job in Carson Wells
Author: NotKiltBoy
Written for: The community! Enjoy the hijinks!
Characters: Fitz, Connor, Cory Raines, Matthew McCormick, Methos from HL, Newt Call, Mattie Shaw, Clay Mosby, Austin from Lonesome Dove, the Outlaw Years
Crossover: Highlander and Lonesome Dove, the Outlaw Years
Rating: Gen
Warnings: Bad guys get killed.
Summary: Cory and Fitz are on the lam from a botched robbery in Europe. Connor is taking them to Carson Wells at the request of Colonel Clay Mosby who has asked for assistance. Adventures occur.

Title: A Tale of Diamonds and Drawers
Author: Kwanzaabot
Written for: ishafel
Characters: Methos, Amanda
Rating: Gen
Summary: He was on a boat. Methos should have realised that it didn't auger well.

Title: Better than ribbons
Author: A Glade Scented Candle. Cinnamon.
Characters/Pairings: Duncan/Methos
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: umm... slash?
Author's Notes: This is my first attempt in the HL universe, I hope that you enjoy it :) It was definitely a lot of fun to write! Thanks to ******* for the encouragement and beta *hugs*
Summary: It wasn't the first time Methos had woken up hung over and uncertain of his surroundings.

Title: Batman and the Immortals
Author: The Not-So-Serious Pencil Magician
Crossover with: The Dark Knight
Characters/Pairings: Duncan/Methos, Bruce Wayne
Rating: PG-13, slash
Author's Notes: What would Methos do if he bumps into Bruce Wayne?
Summary: When two worlds meet and friendships made, difficulties will be overcome

Title: Chivalry Isn't Dead
Author: The Itteh Bitteh Kitteh Committeh
Written for: mackiedockie
Character: Joe Dawson
Rating: PG-13: Gen
Summary: Joe runs a late night errand that goes awry.

Title: Desperados Waiting For A Train
Author: The Mouse King
Characters/Pairings: D/M, Historical OCs, and AU Joe.
Rating: R. Or so.
Warnings: Slash, Bondage, Careless Misuse of Actual Historical People and Events.
Author's Notes: Historical, Alternate first meeting, AU.
Summary: The Pinkerton detective warned MacLeod to stay away from the wily outlaw Joe Walker and his dangerous cronies. MacLeod should have listened.

Title: Don't Rock the Boat
Author: A. Barnacle
Characters: Duncan MacLeod, Methos, Amanda, Joe Dawson, Gina & Robert deValicourt, OFC x 2 plus cheese wire.
Pairings: Duncan/Methos
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Ahoy! Motion sickness ahead.
Summary: After two years away Duncan returns to Paris, relaxed, stress-free and feeling good about life. Then Gina deValicourt visits, and he learns that two of his friends have vanished and another is playing amateur detective, for the cost of free beer. Before Duncan can turn around and take a breath, he ends up all at sea in a boatload of trouble, drowning in pleasure, drama, diamonds and mystery.

Title: Historic Perspective
Fandom: Highlander
Challenge: Highlander 100 #157 Old Ways

Title: New Year's in Scotland
Characters/Pairings: Methos/Connor, eventual Methos/Duncan.
Rating: Adult, but not explicit.
Summary: Methos and Duncan spend New Year's Eve with Connor in Scotland.
Notes: Written for elistaire who responded to a fic offer with a request for Methos/Connor with a jealous Duncan.

Title: Someone Like Me
Author: Your Neighborhood Fruitcake
Characters/Pairings: Methos/Richie friendship; cameo by Duncan MacLeod
Rating: G, gen
Author's Notes: Slightly AU, set after Chivalry and then after The Messenger
Summary: Richie is told Adam Pierson is a young Immortal not unlike himself. When the truth comes out, Richie feels like a fool for buying the Adam Pierson routine.

Title: Shades and Echoes
Author: auberus
Rating: PG
Characters: Methos, Duncan, Fitz, Joe, Darius, Don Salzer, James Horton, and more.
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, it's not mine.
Summary: AU. In which Duncan MacLeod meets Adam Pierson a good bit earlier than
he did in canon, and promptly takes the 'new' Immortal under his wing.

Title: This Unimportant Morning
Author: auberus
Rating: NC-17 (slash warning; Duncan/Methos)
Fandom: Highlander
Disclaimer: Nothing you recognize belongs to me.
Summary: .After the events of A Modern Prometheus, Duncan and Methos come to a new understanding.

Title: The Blood That Binds
Author: S Cross
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: D/M
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OC’s and two dogs who think they own me.
Summary: Set in the year 2097, and the world is a dark and paranoid place.
Duncan has lost his Immortal power to heal and faces an enemy set upon
destroying the world.

Title: Tantalus
Author: The Olympic Scribbler
Characters/Pairings: Methos, Duncan, Joe, OCs
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: No sex. Pre-slash. Disturbing themes. Original characters advancing
the storyline. Do any of these really need to be warned for?
Summary: What if escaping is the easy part?

Title: Win, Place or Show
Author: Santa's Thirteenth Reindeer, Rufus.
Characters/Pairings: Adam Pierson, Greg House
Rating: PG, gen
Crossover: House, M.D.
Summary: Adam Pierson takes a gamble.

dm/m, recs, methos, gen, slash, hl

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