Warrick/Nick csi recs

Dec 12, 2008 02:18

Title: A Married Man
Author: *bright
Rating: PG-17
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Category: drabble
Summary: Warrick's in deep.

Title: Buried Treasure
Author: High_Striker
Pairing: Nick & Warrick
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: The new CSI is about to become very well acquainted with a nice little beach.

Title:Bright Lights, Dark Room
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Grave Danger
Summary: Warrick reflects on appearances and time
Author's note: Just a short fic that came to me as I was watching CSI, no particular episode just something
about the lab itself. It's the little things in life that make for interesting fics sometimes. Beta'ed just by me,
so please feel free to point out any errors. Title inspired by a Depeche Mode song but this isn't a songfic
in terms of the lyrics coming into play

Title: Break up
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: bad language, drug (ab)use and there will be smut in the second part (the link for that one is at the end of this part). Un-beta'd too, by the way.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never have and sadly they never will. Just borrowing them for a while so they can finally have a good time together. They deserve it, and besides, they didn't have much crime solving stuff to do during the writier's strike anyway.

Title: Buttercup
Author: CrayonTyrant
Pairings: Warrick/Nick
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: I felt the need to write this after seeing a re-run on Spike, Unfriendly Skies. Warrick
and Nick have to act as a married couple for all of four minutes, Warrick being the wife, and Nick
does nothing but call him pet names like buttercup the whole time.

Title:Chasing Ghosts
Author: *bright (starbright73)
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: R
Summary: Nick gets unwillingly entangled in a case and Warrick is forced to watch how control slips out of his hands.

Title:Day from Hell
Author: creators_hands
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: R
Warnings: language
Summary: for high_striker (hope it cheers you up!). He was scared to death and frozen in place.

Title: Decisions ( Het, slash)
Author: sarcasticsra
Summary: Tina, Cath, or Nick? Warrick needs to decide.
Pairing : Warrick/Tina, Warrick/Cath, Warrick/Nick
Rating: R
Author's Notes: Thanks to Kelly for the beta even though she claims I made her feel useless.

Title: Fading
Author: Rowandaze
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: PG
Summary: Nick struggles to cope without Warrick but he will never let anyone know how much.

Title: First Date (or clueing in the clueless.)
Author: bright (starbright73)
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Summary: There are romantic first dates and then there are Nick 'n Rick dates.

Title:Heard But Unsaid (wow amazing Hafe virgin!nick, bottom!nick ( please note Nick maybe a bottom- but he's not girly or helpless which i find to nice..for change). She writes Nick and Warrick very well ( they are loving with out being overly so-- mostly canon based stuff). But plese check each story for warnings i accidentally got a non-con when i wasn't looking and it kinda put me for a few days. but other that i love her stuff. her index is here http://www.mts.net/~bishop/slash.htm )
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Summary Warrick only meant to cheer Nick up, but stakes always got raised between the two of them. Takes place immediately following Season 4's "Assume Nothing" and "All For Our Country."

Title: Just Forget the World
Author: High_Striker
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: NC17
Summary: It’s an unspoken agreement, and always has been. Sometimes words are just overrated.

Title: Lessons
Author: Niciasus
Rating: Mild NC-17
Pairing: Nick Stokes/Warrick Brown
Summary: This is an AU but generally the story take place shortly after Grissom loses half his team.

Title: Love Bite
Author: soy_latte
Pairing: Nick Stokes/Warrick Brown
Rating: NC17
A:notes/warnings: slash, rough sex with overtones of BDSM, assorted fluid swapping (blood/semen).

Title: Love Note
Author: Lil Jei
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Warnings: Death fic
Summary: Nick finds his lover's last note to him.

Title: No Solace Now
Author: rowandaze
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: G
Spoilers: Post Grave Danger
Summary: Following the events of his burial, Nick can no longer find solace.

Title: Never Goodbye
Author: High_Striker
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Summary: Things change, but it doesn’t mean you have to give up everything when it happens.

Title: Possessive
Author: High_Striker
Pairing: Nick & Warrick
Rating: NC17
Summary: When you embarrass someone’s boyfriend, you’d better be ready for the consequences. Especially if that couple happens to be extremely possessive. And if Warrick’s anything; he’s possessive of Nick, which doesn’t bode well for a certain Greg Sanders…
(Sequel to Dry Spell)
Warning: Pretty much a PWP. Shouldn’t be any spoilers, just plenty of nekkid CSIs, and plenty of embarrassment to go around…

Title: Pirates, Avast!
Author: jovi_diva
Pairing: Nick & Warrick
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nick talks Warrick into a cruise on a pirate ship!

Title: Reasons
Author: High_Striker
Pairing: Nick & Warrick
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, except for some smut, and a good dose of fluffiness :) And slight spoilers for season 8-
not many- or anything major, but a few minor mentions of some stuff…
Summary: A lazy afternoon, and a quiet reflection on the man that stole everything.

Title: Strawberries and Fingers
Author: bright (starbright73)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Summary: Warrick's just full of kinks and Nick's willing to indulge them all.
Author's Note: Written for the _nick_warrick prompt: kink. I was going for poetic but ended up with a blend of pure pr0n and sloppy romance. *facepalm* This is probably the worst fic I've ever written and it's un-beta'd even though high_striker looked it over when I was totally stuck. Never writing pr0n again, ever! I totally stink at this. Don't laugh yourself silly if you read it. And uh, sorry for being incredibly late with this.

Title: Til Death Do Us Part
Author: rowandaze
Fandom: CSI
Rating: PG
Summary:Death will never truly part love

Title: Undecided ( Prequel to First Date)
Author: jovi_diva/nick_st0kes
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Nick/Warrick
Rating: PG
Summary: Warrick is interested in Nick. Will Nick share his feelings?

Title: Unmasked
Author: YS McCool
Email: ysmccool@yahoo.com
Pairing: Warrick/Nick
Rating: Mature Audience Only
Summary: Warrick spots a Nick lookalike at a club and now he's looking at Nick in a whole new way.

Title: Uprising
Author: High_Striker
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Nick/Rick
Warnings: AU, Violence, Slave-fic, somewhat
non-con/dub-con at first, some voyeurism as well.
Summary: They're powerless to stop the war raging
around them, and in the end, they're both forced to sacrifice
something of themselves with just the hope that something more important will be spared.

Title: Yeehaw
Author: High_Striker
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Warrick/Nick
Summary: A tense stand-off, a single word, and two people
who thought they were losing each other start getting their
relationship back on track.

recs, warrick/nick, csi

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