crossover and hl recs

Nov 22, 2008 23:16

Title:A New View of Hell (long and well written, complete)
Author: Tiffany F
Pairing: Sam/Horatio Caine
Summary: There's a werewolf in Miami and Horatio is trapped. Help comes from a young man named Sam Winchester who seems to know more than he's willing to tell. Surprise pairings. CSI:Miami/Supernatural crossover.

Title: Corner Of The Earth
Author : paperclipbitch
Fandoms: Torchwood/CSI:NY crossover (with hints at Doctor Who and Heroes)
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Mac Taylor [hints at Owen/Ianto, Mac/Peyton, Danny/Lindsay, past!Jack/Ianto]
Challenge/Prompt: crossovers100, 094. Independence
Rating: PG
Summary: A late night phonecall from Torchwood Seven to Torchwood Three.

Title: Blame the Chinese Food
Author: acostilow
Fandom: Supernatural
Disclaimer: Not mine. I have...I have jawbreakers. Can I buy Sam and Dean with jawbreakers? No? Fine. Not mine. Don’t sue.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Author’s Notes: picara said, and I quote, "There's not enough making out fic in the world." I did my best, dear. Huge PWP. No, like, seriously. Here be no plot. *thinks* For once. Thank you, beluga, picara, exsequar, and uninendolothen for betaing.
Warnings: Besides the obvious one?
Summary: "Dean wasn’t sure how they got here. He thought for a moment. It might have had something to do with the Chinese food

Author: Kikkimax
Fandom: Criminal Minds/SPN

Title:Family Ties
Author: Ghostwriter
Fandom: Criminal Minds/SPN

Title: Family Ties
Author: iluvroadrunner6
Rating: FRT
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lindsay Monroe, Jennifer Angell, Don Flack, with cameo appearances from John Winchester wee!Sam, Dean, and Lindsay, as well as Lindsay's parents.
Content Warning: N/A
Summary: Dean finds him in a bit of a predicament, and goes in search of a different member of his family.

Title: Hell and back
Fandom:spn/Criminal Minds

Title: Have No Fear
Author: anza
Fandoms: CSI: Las Vegas
Words: 27,045
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
A/N: Completed story posted in six parts and linked accordingly.

Title: Light the Way Back Home: Prequel
Author: Dee
Rating: FRAO
Fandom: Supernatural/CSI:NY
Pairings: Dean/Don, Sam/Danny
Summary: Don gets called to the haunted monastery and the team ends up meeting the Brothers Winchester.
Author's Notes: I have started a new series/universe. This is set long before the Pilot to Supernatural...I have taken some liberties with the timelines, in order to make everything fit how I want. Many, many thanks to Kathie and Ginny who kept telling me this doesn't suck and that I shouldn't delete it. There will be more, episode bases fics that revolve around the show Supernatural, with an occasional interlude thrown in where the boys get back together. I hope you all enjoy...and tell me? Do you want more? Or should I stop here?

Title: Second Chances
Authors: Ginny and Dee
Rating: FRM
Pairing: Dean/Danny, Sam/Don
Summary: Don is given a second chance. Danny is determined to get a second chance.
Warning: SPOILERS for All Hell Breaks Loose, Part One and Two; Character Death
Author's Notes: For the third part of our brain. We weren't hiding fic, we were just trying to not spoil the episodes for you.

Title: Stranger Than Fiction
Author: azure chaos
Fandom: CSI:NY/Supernatural
Pairing: Don Flack, Danny Messer, Dean Winchester
Rating: 17
Warnings: weird stuff; AU; hurt/comfort; established pair; implied threesome & D/s.
Summary: An odd crime scene brings unexpected lab results and Danny starts to question his belief in science.

Title: Silent Healing
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRM
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. They are owned by various executives, producers, writers, and studios that have more lawyers than I want to mess with. I’m not making any money, and promise to return them once I’ve had my wicked way with them.
Summary: After the demon destroys Dean’s hearing - he’s sent to rehab to relearn how to live in a world of silence

Title: The Winchesters Invade 1/?
Author: LeiaDianaMinerva
Fandom: CSI: Miami/Supernatural
Pairing/Character: Surprise
Rating: pg (this chapter)
Summary: One of the CSIs is no stranger to the supernatural.
Warnings: slash, no real spoilers, incest
Author's note: This was a bunny that Ryan had requested months ago and never really woke up until now. Any similarities to Sam/Tony's CM Hunter series are certainly not intentional. Feedback is much love and will be rewarded with cookies (and smut). Oh, and if anyone has any requests as to pairings let me know.

Title: In The Hotseat
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Dean, Det. Bobby Goren (Gen, Crossover)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (Early Season One) This is not one of those times Dean wanted to get caught.
Author's Notes: Happy birthday heliokleia! I know how badly you wanted a Dean vs. Goren story after this crossover drabble, and I think I finally got Goren's voice back in my head long enough to do it. Hope you like it. :)

Crossover DS/CSI

Crossovers with Criminal Minds by immortalje

crossover hp/csi


Title: New Year's in Scotland
Author: merriman
Characters/Pairings: Methos/Connor, eventual Methos/Duncan.
Summary: Methos and Duncan spend New Year's Eve with Connor in Scotland.
Notes: Written for elistaire who responded to a fic offer with a request for Methos/Connor with a jealous Duncan.

Title:Time Enough for Love
Author: killa
Rated: Adult
Series: Highlander: The Series
Completed: June 2005
Pairing: Duncan/Methos
Written for the first hl_remix challenge. Remixes Esjay's The Last Time.

ds, csi, criminal-minds, hl, crossover, recs, spn, torchwood

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