crossover recs

Nov 18, 2008 02:31


Title: A Time for All Things
Author: thekellylynn
Pairings: Harry Potter: Harry/Severus, Sirius/Remus,
Draco/Dawn, Buffy/Spike,
Pairings(Angel/Buffy): Buffy/Spike, Angel/Wes,
Cordelia/Doyle, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya
Rating: R possible, may get to NC-17 if
I feel brave
Fandom: Harry Potter, Angel, and Buffy
Warnings: SLASH! This story deals with both heterosexual
(m/f) and homosexual (m/m and f/f) relationships. If
you don’t like, don’t read. Flamers shall be laughed at.
Summary: Can Harry overcome 6 years of hate and accept
help (and maybe even love) from his most hated teacher?

Title: Detective Work
Author: Voracity
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Sentinel & Due South/BTVS
Pairing: Jim/Blair, Xander/Ray V./Oz. .
Feedback? Only if you don't flame the muses, they're
Notes Squared: For Mary and Dine, and Bast and Sarah.
The first two makes everything readable, but I didn't
*even* want to inflict this on them. The other two have
coddled and cuddled me through bad times and have helped
me see what true strength is. And for Sarah especially
because she's getting better again. And for Scorpio, who's nice.


Title: Best Thing to Offer
Author: faithwood
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley,
a reference to past Sam/Jess and if you wish to see
a reference to Sam/Dean you might. Or you might not.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: slash, het, rimming, PWP (hence, no spoilers)
Status: Complete
Summary: Sam, Harry and Ginny walk into a bar hotel.
And then they have sex. In many different ways. Also,
Sam is hot.

Title: You Want Me To Do What?!?
Author: Voracity
Pairings: Xander/Snape
Rating: NC-17
Email address:
Fandom: BTVS/HP xover
Disclaimers: have you seen me in the press taunting
all the fic writers with my ownership? No? Then I
guess I don't own them.

Title: Wanderlust
Authors: lithiumdelusion and bluestocking79
Rating: PG-13,
Fandoms: Harry Potter and Pet Shop of Horrors
Characters/Pairings: Leon Orcot/Count D, Jill,
Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Summary: Leon's finally found what he was looking
for, but a chance encounter with a mysterious stranger
has Jill starting on a quest of her own.
Warnings: Implied slash/yaoi.
Notes: A collaborative sequel to "Let Them Eat
Cake," by Lithiumdelusion. Also, set post-DH
(for HP) and post-Volume 10 (for PSoH).

Title: Once More With Feeling
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Good Omens
Pairings: Aziraphaple/Crowley, Newt/Anathema,
Adam/Pepper. Also implied Ron/Hermione and implied
Rating: PG-13
Summary: History has a funny way of repeating
itself. A really, really funny way of repeating itself.
A/N: Written for bentley, at go_exchange.

csi based

Title: Children of Love.
Some Feds are messing where they really shouldn't.
But that's all right, because they've pissed Horatio
and Speed off, not to mention Eric and his mother. MPREG.

Title: Not Natural! ( csi male-preg
Due to Federal Lab Experiments coming to Miami
Ryan ends up with a sudden, long-term shock.
Mostly funny. MPreg

Title: Finality
Author: Lisa
Pairing: Buffy/Nick
Rating: PG
Fandom: BtVS/CSI
Genre: Drama
Summary: A resigned sigh pushed through
his lips and his fingers moved over the
keyboard, painfully slow.

Title:A Fresh Start.(uh xander's fairy
and Horatio is anewly made baby, lol it's cute :D
Horatio makes a wish that brings a specially
deputized wish fairy down to help him.
Slight crossover with Buffy for the wish fairy
stuff. PG-13.

Title: The Distance of the Dead
Author: Butliz
Pairings: Grissom and Sara, Melinda and Jim.
Fandoms: CSI and Ghost Whisperer
Summary: Melinda and Sara have something
in common--their ghosts refuse to leave them
alone. Is love enough to keep someone around
forever, even in death? They go on a journey to find out.
Warnings: Character death, spoilers for
Ghost Whisperer, pretty angsty. Also, I've
never written a crossover before,
so there's that.

Title: What She Needs
Author: Liz (deviantfantasy)
Pairing: Fred Burkle/Nick Stokes
Fandoms: Angel: The Series and CSI
Rating: R
Warnings: None really, unless you don’t like
Summary: Fred goes to Nick when everything falls
apart. AU S3 of Angel.

ds, csi, ts, blair/jim, hp, crossover, recs, buffy

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