doctor who crossovers recs

Nov 06, 2008 20:26

Title: All a Bit Harry Potter
Author: violet_quill
Rating: PG
Crossover Fandom: Doctor Who (10th Doctor)
Main Characters: The Doctor, Martha Jones, Sirius Black, James Potter, Jo Rowling
Summary: The Doctor takes Martha on a side-trip to Hogwarts to show her that magic may be even more real than she thought. They arrive on a very special day in 1975, and find themselves interfering with a certain schoolboy prank...

Title: Close Encounter
author spastic-visions
Rating: PG
Summary: The Winchester boys run across the Doctor, Rose and a werewolf. Wackiness ensues.
Timeframe: Doctor Who post Tooth and Claw. Supernatural post Tall Tales. No real spoilers outside the general for either show.
Author’s Note: This is written for
scornedsaint because she’s a thoroughly awesome person, she got me hooked on Doctor Who, and well, it’s her birthday.

Title: Spiders from Mars
author unreckless
Characters: Dean, Sam, Martha, Donna, Ten
Rating: PG
Summary: Dean wonders if all British women are completely deranged. Sure, his definition of normal includes demon fighting and hauntings. But time travel and aliens? A man's gotta draw the line somewhere.

Title: The Parting Glass
Author: kitsunealyc
Rating: PG
Crossover Fandom Doctor Who
Main Characters: the Doctor, Hermione
Summary: Two survivors from two wars comfort each other over tea and whiskey

Title: More Things in Heaven and Earth
Author: Anonymous
Fandom: Doctor Who/Numb3rs
Rating: G
Character(s): Larry Fleinhardt, Nine, a tiny smattering of Rose
Spoilers for: Mild-to-moderate spoilers for Numb3rs season 3. None for Who.
Notes: Written for the prompt "Larry Fleinhardt, The Doctor, sense of wonder, alien planets." I've only seen up through season 3 of Numb3rs, so you may or may not feel the need to regard this as AU with respect to season 4. Thanks to izhilzha for giving this the once-over and reassuring me that it doesn't miss the mark too badly in terms of canon and characterization, despite the gaps in my knowledge.

Title: They both burn.
Author: Keenir
Series: Doctor Who / Burn Notice
Rating: PG-15/
Warnings/Notes: character semi-death
Characters: Michael Weston
Summary: She wasn't exactly who Michael had been expecting. But she was the one behind the burn.

Title: Into The Night- A Supernatural and Doctor Who crossover
Author or lj fuctupkidx
Pairing: Slight Sam/Rose, 10/Rose
Summary: There's something out there, more evil than anything that Dean and Sam have faced. When two mysterious strangers show up saying that they're able to help, what will happen in the end?
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: Omg, this first part was so fun to write. I got the idea randomly and poof! here it is. I'm so excited about this fic, and I hope everyone likes it. Beta'd by picksthemusic!

recs, crossovers, doctor who

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