mixed recs

Oct 03, 2008 19:43

mixed recs



Title: Angels and Demons
Author: taystwin-14
Pairing: Dean spanks Sam
Scenario: Sam gets caught sneaking back in
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, mention of Ruby
Warning: Contains spanking of adults; spoiler-y, I guess. Takes place after 4.03, only Dean doesn't go out to look for Sam, he waits for him.

Title: All Fired Up
Author: arlad
Fandoms: Supernatural/The Fast and the Furious
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Brian/Dom
Rating: R
Spoilers: no spoilers for Supernatural, but set after 4.01; after 2 Fast 2 Furious for TFATF.
Summary: Brian O’Conner owns a garage with his partner Dominic Toretto in Ensenada, Mexico. One day, he gets a call from a couple of guys on vacation who get stranded on the road and need a tow truck - a couple of guys in a ’67 Chevy Impala.

Title: Big words and simple solutions
Pairing: Fraser/Ray K.
Rating: PG13
Summary: Fraser and his big words once again manage to annoy Ray.
Notes: Written in a travelodge in the UK, just outside of Stratford-Upon-Avon. The prompts were nicely supplied by the girls since I wasn't online to ask the LJ peeps for it. Besides, they had way too much fun coming up with them. Hence, this is a writing exercise.
Warnings: Eh... a wee bit of a cliché, maybe even two...

Title: Competitive Streak
Author: alisanne
Rating: R
Characters: Remus/Severus
Beta: sevfan. Thanks to iulia_linnea for the inspiration.
Authors Notes: This would be where you note whether you are submitting art.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Title: Confess that you like it
Artist: xbloodsugarx
Media: pencil, watercolour, marker
Characters: Lucius/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warnings: incest
Summary: My picture for September at DailyDeviant. My theme was "confessions"
Notes: I guess one can see how much Draco likes it when he is spreading his legs like that ;D

Title: Initiation
Author :sparklebutch
Fandom: Highlander
Pairing: Kronos/Duncan
Prompt: dancing, from oxoniensis' Porn Battle V
Beta and responsibility: ceruleancat

Title: In Another Life: Thoughts
Author: Aeon Cole
Warning: Slash (but nothing explicit)
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio/Speed, past Horatio/Stetler
Summary: Speed’s thoughts on an old relationship.

Title: More Pretty Flames
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mild violence & gore//spoilers for 4.02
Summary: Lilith is breaking the seals, the world is burning and Dean discovers something Sam's been hiding.

Title: Seriously, No
Author: HalfshellVenus
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (S1) Even after the truce, the effects of the prank war still linger on…

spn, recs, hl, hp, csi: miami

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