ds recs and other updates

Sep 08, 2008 17:20

ds recs and other updates


Title: I can only
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: R
Warnings: Femmeslash?
Summary: Fraser looks over Detective Vecchio's desk carefully, cataloging what she sees for anything that might be of use in understanding the detective. She adds less disorganized than disinclined towards order to the list of things she knows about Detective Ray -- likely a nickname, though the nameplate on her desk lists no other -- Vecchio, where it joins gangly, voluble, a flashy dresser, the sole female detective working out of this precinct, and at the moment, exceedingly shrill.

Title: A Long Goodbye and a Slow Becoming
Rating: R
Pairing: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Warnings: Character death (neither of the two)
Summary: Remus doesn't seek love, just another parent for his son. Severus is tired of being alone. .

Title: Caught in a Whisper
Author: thepinkrabbit
pairings: Lucius/Draco
Warnings: incest and underage
Summary: The sound of the heavy boots came closer, and a few moments later, Lucius Malfoy came out on the terrace. With his back toward the patio doors, Draco couldn't see his father's face, but he noted, with a small huff, the exhaustion in his voice

Title: My Life As A Dog
Team: Whimsy
Pairings: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: For reasons that aren’t freaking being explained at this juncture, the whole of Chicago is trying to beat Ray to death with his nose.

Title: Knight Rebuilt
Author: kesomon
Fandoms: Supernatural/Knight Rider
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None
Warnings: Rated for Dean's mouth. very, very AU from Devil's Trap and Goliath p.1
Disclaimer: The closest I'll ever come to owning these guys is when I buy a lego

Title: From Waffles to Love
Author: Ireth06
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Eric Bana
Warnings: AU, slash, some violence.
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just playing around and no money is being made.

Title: Understood
Author: arrow00
Pairing: Fraser&RayK
Rating: PG
Warnings: Not a very happy story. Tertiary? character death, illness.
Summary: Fraser found his mouth strangely locked. He should offer to go with Ray. But Fraser didn't want to-God, he did not want this, did not want to have to watch Ray go through even a part of this.
A/N: This is for anyone who's been there.
more arrow's lovely DS fics http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?keyword=Fraser%2FRayK&user=arrow00&sortby=memid

Title: Look, Fraser, he did it! (art)
Artist: wihluta
Characters: Fraser, Kowalski, Vecchio
Medium: Ink and colored pencils
Rating PG 13
Notes: This is a drawing to go with llassah's wonderful story Fledgling (dSSS2007, NC-17, K/V).

Title: Seven Years Later
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: R
Story Notes: lamentables asked for a sequel to Price of Distance (and its slightly sappy wedding!fic sequel Something Borrowed). She wanted to see where the boys are seven years after the conclusion of the story. Written in a couple of hours, unbeta'd, and distinctly lacking in porn.

ds, recs, lotrs, hp

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