stories that i've been reading recently and enjoyed

Jul 19, 2008 15:31

stories that i've been reading recently and enjoyed


Title: A Fair Distance
Author: Laurie
Type: Slash
Rating: PG-17
Warnings: sexual language
Earlier chapters and standalone stories can be found

Title: An October Sort of City
Author: misslucyjane
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Fraser/RayV
Summary: Chicago is a feast for the senses; Fraser has only to sit and eat.

Title: By Any Other Name: (Part 5 of 5)
Pairings: VigOrli
Rating: G (for now)
Summary: Master Orlando's curious nature frequently
gets him into trouble, but never has he encountered anything like this!
Disclaimer: Couldn’t be further from the truth.
Warnings: mpreg
AN: Based on the Fairport Convention version of an ancient Scottish
ballad, Tam Lin. Yes, you read the warning correctly... my first ever mpreg! (eventually) any other name

Title: Drive Me Wild
Author: agt_spooky
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jensen should’ve known better when he told Jared they could do anything he wanted for his birthday. His words are now coming back to haunt him.

Title: Evidence of Things Not Seen
Author: thescarletwoman
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sirius/Harry; Past Sirius/Regulus and Harry/Ginny.
Summary: It was a letter that started it all. Sometimes the things we most wish for come with a price. And it's the devil that lurks in the details.

Title: Fleeting Coldness
Rated: R
Warnings: Underage sex, and anal? Not much hardcore sex going on, but it's still there.
Pairings: Sirius/Harry
Genre: Romance and Angst
Summery: Maybe he’ll hear you, maybe he’ll understand that you need him like you need the air you breathe, and the water that you drink, because he is your life, and without him, nothing seems to make any sense.

Title: Impressions on Apartment 3J
Author: brynnmck
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Six places Ray's fingerprints ended up in Fraser's apartment.

Title: Good, Bad and Very Bad.
Characters: James, Harry/Sirius.
Summary: James Potter always thought that he had a sense of humour. Life decided to prove him wrong.
Rating: PG13
Author's note: I read about this joke somewhere and I decided that it was wonderful plot for a little Sirry ficlet. There is not enough of Sirry out there and since I didn't wrote Sirry for something which feels like ages here it is.

Title: Magic Words
Author: starfish
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Rating: R
After saving Beth Botrelle, Ray is lost in a sea of anguish and self-doubt

Title: Many A Broken Spar and Tatter’d Sail
Characters: Jack Sparrow; by implication, a great deal of the rest of the main cast of PotC
Rating: Let's go with PG-13, possibly soft R for imagery if you're a bit squeamish

Title: Small Gifts
Author: SDWolfpup
Pairing: Fraser&Vecchio
Rating: PGs
Summary: Ray's still learning some things about Fraser.

Title: Starting Rumours
Author: jestana
Characters: Jack Sparrow, James Norrington
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Captain Jack Sparrow tells his own story, savvy?
Author's Note: It's an AU of the movies. Rating for references to naughtiness.

Title: The Path of a Shaman
Author: Rhianne
Pairings: Jim/Blair
Summary: Blair and Jim have to track down a vicious killer while facing
up to Blair's growing abilities as a shaman. Can they find the courage
to truly face their destinies?

Title: The Devil May Care
Author: PsychGirl (snycock)
Category: Slash (J/B)
Rating: NC-17/FRAO
Warnings: gets a little angsty and edgy in places. But it all turns out okay in the end... no cliffhanger endings this time, I promise!
Summary: Alex Barnes is back, and things get more complicated for Jim and Blair.
Sequel to The Devil You Know, which can be found here. Starts slightly before the end of The Devil You Know.

Title: What Harry Loves
Author: potion_lady
Characters Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: R
Warning: First person; rimming; fellatio; slash sex; adult language
Summary: Harry loves everything about his lover.
A/N: Written for my mission_insane themed table, The Body, which can be
found here. Each prompt is 150 words long, and can be read separately as a one-shot.

also Aingeal has so many lovely stories(it's hard to pick just one so i won't lol)
,I've been reading some old faves, all are(RV/BF), and very sweet and totally worth the read.

ETA: fixed link (A Fair Distance) thanks for The heads up Laurie. :D

ds, recs, lotrs, ts, hp, rps

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