what i'm reading

Jun 14, 2008 22:52


What i'm reading (warning het,slash)

Title: Human Series (series wip)
Moments of Forgiveness
By Keelywolfe
Fandom: Transformers
Bumblebee/Sam, Others
Rated NC-17

Title: Jensen's Boys
Pairing: Jensen/Jared/Chace Crawford
Rating: NC-17
AU, they are all in high school

Title : Kinship ( wip het with past
femm-slash, I.e, Willow/Kennady, and Willow/Terra)
Summary: Maybe it was time for her to move on.

Title: What Goes Around (wip)
Author: joonscribble
Fandom: Torchwood/Dresden Files (TV Series) Crossover
Summary: Harry Dresden gets a second trip to Cardiff when a lingering ghost needs to be exorcised from Torchwood.
Series: A sequel to A Ghost In the House and Last Rites.
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R for language
Spoilers: General spoilers for The Dresden Files TV series. Spoilers for season one and through "Adrift" for Torchwood.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing.
Author's Notes: Okay, probably the LONGEST chapter to write. A big thank you to everyone who so kindly commented to my last chapter, alleviating my insecurities about all the action-y bits. One more after this to go!

Title: Living With Autobots, part 9/?
Rating: PG, some swearing
Characters: Fireflight, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Optimus
Summary: The Autobots work on picking up the pieces after their battle with Shockwave; some handle it better than others. Wheeljack gets something to do besides maintenance jobs.
Warnings: A brief mention of drunken same-gender flirting.
Author's Notes: Time for a break from all the srs akshun lately. It's really hard to write from Fireflight's POV. Hopefully he's tolerable :/.

Title: For Your Eyes Only
Author: annella and seventhpage
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Wordcount: 1500
Summary: Jared likes to wear small swimtrunks. Jensen likes to ... oh fuck it, this is just PORN.
Warnings: Jared's hips!kink.
A/N: I had this idea last night and I was DYING to write it but it just wasn't working, so I posted about it on my journal and seventhpage kindly stepped in and fed my porn, and a few of the paragraphs in here were written by her so THANK YOU BABY. Also thanks to tastyeyeliner for the help in finishing off.
Disclaimer: This story is 100% pure fiction, except the part about Jared's hips being incredibly hot.

Title: Out Run
Ratings: R
Characters/Pairings: Colby/David
Warnings: Slash, angst, fluff, drabble,
Author’s Notes: Reviews are loved!
Summery: David tries to outrun his memories.

Title: Embracing the connection
Series: The Connections Series, Part 21/23
Characters: Charlie/Colby
Rating: R for topic conversation.
Summary: Charlie and Colby start to embrace the fact that they really want to be together.

tf, spn, recs, numb3rs

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