DMOC rec and numb3rs recs

Jun 09, 2008 16:51

Dead Man On Campus recs and links
This is a small fandom, but i hold it near, and dear to me

Dead Man On Campus the lj community (God bless their little dmoc loving hearts.
Cause i have been a josh/cooper lover since i saw the movie)

Title:could it be harder ( micsic video)
Pairing: Josh/Copper

by Fern

Author: _beetle_
Fandom: DMOC (Dean Man On Campus)
Pairing: Josh/Cooper pre-slash
Rating: R, for references to recreational drug use.
Disclaimer: I am neither MTV, nor Paramount Films . . . or am I?
Concrit/Feedback: How's my writing? Dial 1-800-COMMENT.
Notes/Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for the movie.
Summary: Coop is whumming while Josh is trying to study.

Title: Mistaken
Author : Animegirl1129
Pairing: Josh/Copper

Title: Passing Time
Author : Animegirl1129
Pairing: Josh/Copper

Title: In Your Arms.
Author/pseudonym: Caffre
Pairing: Josh/Cooper
Rating: R
E-mail address for feedback:
Notes: I've only ever seen the last 10 minutes of this film despite numerous attempts
to rent a copy after missing it on the TV. The idea for this hit me as I looked up from
my computer and saw my 'Last Night' video (which I've only been able to watch twice
in all the time I've owned it) and thus, this piece of AU fic was born. This is my first Dead Man On Campus fic, so please, show mercy :)
Rating: R rating
Summary: It's the end of the world. Where would you rather be?

Title:Clueless - Hands - Touch - Boyfriend
( hehe if your a dmoc lover you know it's impossiable to leave her
out of the recs, she is an amazing writer and for a very LONG
time the only writer in this fandom. :D:
By Caroline Crane
Pairing: Josh/Cooper
more stories be her in this fando and others


More numn3rs recs

Shelly Webster
Pairing D/C

Title: A Numberless Equation
Author: Prentice (slyprentice (at) yahoo (dot) com)
Warnings: Incest, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Violence, Foul Language, Mild Sexual Content
Pairing: Don/Charlie; implied Don/Kim,
Disclaimer: The names of all characters contained here-in, with the exception of Andrea Richter, are the property of CBS and its creators. No infringements of these copyrights are intended, and are being used here without permission. No profit was made and no harm was done. The character of Andrea “Andy” Richter is sole property of the author and should not be used without prior permission.

Title: Anger = Love
Disclaimer: I don’t own Numb3rs. I own this story plot.
Author: Wit Moon
Summary: Don struggles with his emotions and Charlie deals with the aftermath.
Warning: Don/Charlie slash/incest, sex scene
Rated: R
Pairing: Don/Charlie fic.

Title: Lost Boys (h/c)
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: NC-17
Notes and Warnings: Don's POV. Incest. This is not a happy Don/Charlie story.
This is about power and losing one's innocence and very broken boys. If all of
that is not your thing, don't bother reading any further. Pay attention to the angst
level, above. I'm not joking.
Summary: A bad case and the boys need to lose themselves to find themselves.

Title: Code Breaking (1/2)
Pairing: Amita/Charlie, Charlie/Don, Don/Terry
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Incest, Het, Great Big Honkin’ Spoilers up to "Sabotage."
Summary: Amita in the car, Don by the train, and Charlie at the switchboard.

Title: Reflecting Boys (h/c dark fic)
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: NC-17
Notes and Warnings: Don's POV. Incest. This is not a happy Don/Charlie story.
This is about very broken boys. If that is not your thing, don't bother reading any
further. Pay attention to the angst level, above. I'm not joking.

Title: Teaching Methods
Author: Penguingal
Rating: PG
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Disclaimer: Not mine, the great eye owns all.
Summary: Don has a lesson to learn.

Title: Two Worlds
Author: Penguingal
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Rating: NC17
Feedback: Good lines, bad lines, downright wicked lines? Drop a comment and point them out.
Warnings: Incest
Spoilers: Through Counterfeit Reality
Disclaimer: These guys aren't mine, as I am not either of the Scott brothers. I make no money off of this.
A/N: This is a post-ep one shot directly after Counterfeit Reality. This is an episode that should have ended with a black screen that said "Andthentheyhadsex" because please, they aren't even trying to hide the subtext. Unbetaed, so all mistakes are mine. First Numb3rs fic, so any and all feedback is appreciated.

Title: Words
Pairing: Charlie/Don
Rating: R, maybe?
Warning: Incest
Summary: Charlie doesn't have the words.
Author's Notes: I totally suck at math, so I have no idea why I decided to write a fic from Charlie's pov. I tried to keep the math aspect of it fairly basic, but if there's something that doesn't make sense, feel free to point it out to me.

dmoc, numb3rs, c/d, jpsh/cooper

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