mixed favorites recs

Jun 02, 2008 21:24


mixed favorites recs

Title:In from the cold (complete)
Author : ladyjanelly
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
homeless jensen,
http://ladyjanelly.livejournal.com/?tag=homeless jensen
http://ladyjanelly.livejournal.com/?tag=homeless jensen

Title:driftrs sing (het&slash)
author catlyke
Pairings:Elrond/ofc, Haldir/Glorfindel, Legolas/Faramir; SLASH NC-17

Title: Vilya Power
Author: Sivan Shemesh sivan325@walla.com
Beta: Tena
Disclaimer: Not mine, but the plot.
Rate: NC-17
Warning: AU. Establish couple, angst, h/c.
Pairing: Faramir/Elrond
Summary: Elrond wished to see the other side of his lover

title Radiant Shadow
by erobey
Rated: NC-17
Summary: A sad tale of Legolas and Elladan, but has a fairly happy ending. Fairly standard 'Legolas gets captured, tortured, rescued, and wooed' story. Takes place sometime after TA 2980 but before the Ring Quest, thus Aragorn was often in the wilds among the Rangers but had already pledged his heart to Arwen. Assumes Legolas is young but grown up just because I prefer it that way

Title: Old Man
Author: Anna K.
E-mail address you want feedback
sent to:ak2u@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Character listing: M
Summary: One old man meets another.

Title: Making a Mark
Author: Andromeda_girl
Rating: Adult/Slash
Keywords: M/Ray Kowalski, mention of past Rayk/Stella, m/m, slash, crossover with Due South
Character listing: DM M J Ray Kowalski, various original Immies
Summary: After returning from his Canadian adventure, Detective Ray Kowalski starts a new life in Seacouver - and as a brand new Immortal, he gets he Really Old Guy as a teacher. Lucky him

Title: THE MASQUE OF THE BARON ( seventh doctor crossover00
Doctor Who: set before "Enemy Within" and ignoring the New Adventures
Highlander: set not long before the episode "Methos"
Disclaimer: "Doctor Who" and all its characters, situations, and
jellybabies are property of the BBC and Universal Television. "Highlander" and all its characters, situations, and broadswords are property of Gaumont Television. My words are mine, as are my characters, but feel free to MiST liberally (heaven knows, I do it myself). St Olaf College is not
responsible for injuries incurred from misapplication of this fanfic.

Sword and Circle I - Viv
rr/m slash and gen--with slash undertones
Sword and Circle 2
Relative Eternity
By Beccaelizabeth
Sword and Circle III
Resolutions and Relations
Sword and Circle (Far Future) - Pay Time

Title:Digitabulum Magae
By MacGeorge
Rating: NC-17, Slash
Rating and Warnings: NC-17. Slash. Explicit sex of the m/m variety, and possibly of the m/f variety. Probable violence.
For those of you who have read my slash work before, you will note that this is a first -- a story that is not entirely Duncan/Methos-centric. I cannot promise precisely where all this is leading, frankly, but if any pairing or sex other than DM/M squicks you, then you should go elsewhere.
Disclaimers: The characters from Highlander: The Series are owned and operated by Rysher/Panzer Davis. The characters from Witchblade: The Original Series are, as best I can tell, owned by Top Cow Productions. In any event, they certainly don't belong to me. I am merely borrowing them and hope to return them only slightly bruised and wrinkled. I do this for my own entertainment, and for absolutely no other reason

Title & Chapter Number: The Elf in the Mirror 0/12
Author(s): Alex Cat - Author's Index
Website: Of Elves and Men
Fandom: Middle Earth
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: These are not my characters and I make no profit from their use.
Special Warnings: None - Yet.
Betas: Mayetra
Cast: Haldir/Elrond
Timeline: Pre-LotR AU
Spoilers: None
Summary: Haldir becomes ill and Elrond cares for him.
Notes: This story came about from several bunnies and my love/lust for Elrond and Haldir! It was to be a simple silly pwp, but angst is my middle name sooo it turned into something else. It is a story of love and the things that sometimes keep us from knowing how to love. Hope you all enjoy it.
[] Haldir's thoughts.

spn, recs, hl, lotr

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