spn rps and fps recs , and lotrs rps recs

Apr 15, 2008 20:36

Title: Tending the Ground
Author: Kris
Pairing: Sean/Viggo
Rating: R
Summary: Summer sunshine, new soil, and rituals.
Title: Capturing the Light
Author: silvan_lady
Rating: PG
Summary Ficlet for the prompt Light
Title: Office Boy
Author: legolas_is_mine
Rating: NC17
Summary: A little AU ficlet. Not much plot really. John Barrowman is entirely to blame!

Title: One of these days
Author: seanata
Characters: Viggo/Sean
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Title: Reasons
Author: firiel77
Pairing: Orli/Viggo
Rating: R
Summary: Written for the VOLA 12 Slashy Days of Christmas challenge.
Title: Stalking the Stalker
Author: Liriel
Rating: R
Pairing: Orlibean
Summary: A prompt from doylebaby, Sean is being stalked by a persistant fan, to get rid of him, he decides to agree to a meeting.


Title: A Love Long Lost (complete but the seris is Wip)
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: Pg-17
Warning: no warnings, some violence later on
Author: kuhekabir
Summary: Jensen had always thought that the three stones in his garden were magical, after all they had been in his family’s garden for at least four centuries, if not longer. One night writing appeared as if per magic and the next morning, he found himself waking up with a tall and handsome stranger.

Title: Balance 8&9/14 (second part to Behind Your Glittered Eyes story line)
Author: hay1ock
Characters: Jensen/Jared, others ocs and canon
Rating: NC17
Summary: A sequel to Behind Your Glittered Eyes and the one off Waking Up With You and carries on straight from there.
Jensen is now in college, living with Jared. Despite everything, the past still a haunting memory, he's been doing ok. But sometimes old ghosts become something much more real. Comments will be squished and then kissed back to life
Part 3 http://hay1ock.livejournal.com/tag/ficbalance And Balance
Part 2 http://hay1ock.livejournal.com/47018.html WUWY
Part 1 http://hay1ock.livejournal.com/30025.html BYGE

Title: Business and Pleasure (complete great story)
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Adult
Disclaimer: Not mine, never happened

Title: By the Letter
Author : winterlive
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating : NC-17
Warning : Virgin-jensen
Summary: Jared has an iPod.

title: The Sweetest Christmas
Author: emerald_angel9
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Prompt from deadbeat_nymph : Jared loves candy and Jensen.
Kink: food-play, top!Jared/bottom!Jensen
Warnings: m/m slash, anal, oral, rimming
Wordcount: ~1800 words
Betas: paleogymnast and popmusicjunkie
Summary: Jensen and Jared visit Jared's parents for Christmas, and while the rest of the family is out of the house on Christmas eve, they have some fun on their own. It's mainly chocolate-covered PWP with a little holiday schmoop on the side.

Title: Comes a Horseman - Chapter 1
Author: astri13
Pairings: Jared/Jensen, Chris/Steve, Chad
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Graphic slash in later chapters
Summary: In the Bronze Age Jen is studying to be a healer, resigned to a life of quietness in his tribe. Though that may change when Jaret, leader of a Barbarian horde gallops into his life.

Title: Lean On Me (And I’ll Be Strong) (22/22) + Epilogue
Authors: titheniel & woodsbaile_02
Characters/Pairing: Jared/Jensen; appearances by Tom Welling, Michael Rosenbaum
(starring as Tom/Mike), Steve Carlson and Christian Kane
Summary: When it comes to Jensen, Jared can damn well say that he has some sort of hero-worship. When Sandy breaks up with him, and Jensen’s there to put the pieces back together, something shifts, and Jared’s feelings grow deeper and deeper. Meanwhile, Jensen comes to understand that he’s not the only one who can do the catching when one of them falls.

Title: "A Slow Cadence" Chapter 1 / 16
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Summary: Mama's good little Christian boy, you have to always remember this is what you need to be.
Warning: Talk of religion, future m/m sex, angstfest.
A/N: For riorhapsody and mouthfulofrain for being fandom switch hitters with me

Title: have you seen him whom my soul loves
Author: veronamay
Story by: veronamay, nu_breed and lemmealone (from an original idea by miss_begonia)
Fandom: SPN RPS (AU)
Pairings: Jensen/Jared, Jared/Sandy, Chris/Chad
Rating: NC-17. So not kidding.
Warnings: Angst; self-harm; blasphemy; deliberate misuse and abuse of Christian (Catholic) imagery, rituals and beliefs.
Summary: Matthew 26:41-"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."
Word Count: ~42,500
Notes: Extensive notes at end of fic.
Credits: miss_begonia, nu_breed, vileseagulls, lemmealone. Proper thanks of the wordy variety also at end of fic.
Disclaimer: If this were any more fictional it'd be in the Enquirer

Title: Double Blind
Author: H.T. Marie
Pairing: Dean, Sam, John, Bobby, OC’s, no pairings
Summary: Everything changes and stays the same.
Rating: PG, this chapter, R overall
Warnings: None really, maybe some substance abuse, but nothing terrible.
Disclaimer: Yeah, I own ‘em, but someone forgot to tell Kripke, so I could still get sued if I was getting paid for this. I’m so not, so I guess we’ll just have our fun and move on.


Title: Spark (best wincest i've read in a long time, way au)
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: AU with minor spoilers for early Season 2.
Warnings: Incest.
Summary: Dean Collins is a regular Chicago firefighter. Then he meets Sam, a mysterious
guy who introduces him to a world he never knew existed. You can't run from the past, even if you've forgotten what it is

spn, recs, fps, lotrs, rps

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