Jensen/Jared au recs list 2

Apr 07, 2008 18:27

Title: As a child of twenty-five
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2100-ish, unbeta'd
Disclaimer: *does not know, means no harm, plz to not be suing*
Summary:Apparently the party was for some fucker named Jared.
A/N: I didn't intend to write anything tonight but this kind of attacked me about an hour ago. Nothing like Jared's birthday to spawn rabid plotbunnies.

Title: Boys Like Girls
Author: nevcolleil
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Summary: Jared's used to playing the hero. He thinks Jensen may be his heroine.

Title: Box full of sharp objects (5/?)
Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Tom/Mike, Chad/Sandy, Steve/Chris
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Warnings: Tattoo AU
Disclaimer: This never happened, as far as I know Jared and Jensen don’t even have any tattoos. It really is a shame that they don’t, but oh well.
Summary: Jared gets ready for his trip, Jensen works on a tattoo for Steve.
Words: 3,233
Notes: This is the next part in the Body by design ’verse a Tattoo AU that I have started, the first part was The Taste of Ink . Which was followed by Body by design Then came Marked for life Thanks to winchesterxgirl for the beta. Also a big thank you to keyweegirlie for all of her help with this.

Title: Dangerously
Author: annella
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Summary: Jared's hot new teacher, Mr Ackles, is a pushover.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: So very, very not mine. *sad*
Wordcount: 1000
A/N: Highschool AU! :D Featuring Jared and Mr Ackles, with mentions of Coach Welling, Dr Rosenbaum, Chad, and Sandy. Also, written at 1am while on codeine and no one around to beta, using the "COMPUTER LAB DESK" prompt from

Title: Damn the Man
Author: lostt1
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 16,500
Warning: Language. Abuse of movie quotes.
Disclaimer: Not mine. I just like to play with them every once in awhile.
Summary: Empire Records, open til midnight.
Notes: For reel_spn, I changed up Empire Records, which is one of my favorite movies. Basic structure (and a lot of quotes) are the same. Some things have obviously changed. Thanks to __tiana__ and keepaofthecheez for acting as my sounding board and reading things over as I went along. I love you both!

Title: Empires of Dust and Blood (5/10)
Author: maboheme
Rating: overall NC-17
Genre: SPN RPS, AU
Pairings/Characters: J², and a smattering of other CW folk
Disclaimer: It’s all just make-believe and pretty little lies. No real people were harmed in the writing of this fic:P
Summary: Star-crossed lovers. Feuding families. Oil tycoons. Wealth. Power. Sex. Revenge. Murder. The family business…Texas-style.


Title: Finding ourselves ( i just finshed this and liked it a lot. :D)
Author: Annie
Pairing: Jensen/Jared - mention of others
Rating: PG13 - for this chapter - will vary
Summary: Ten years down the line - They have lost touch. Jared is divorced and Jensen newly widowed with a child. Can they find themselves again?
Disclaimer: This is a complete work of fiction. I don’t own either of them and I don’t own Sandy either.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
more great stories by Anne here

Title: Jensen.4.1
Author: sasskitten
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Beta: nemesina77, who not only beta’d but really helped me figure out where this story was going *hugs*
Summary: AU. On his way to sit his final exam, Jared comes across an escaped genetically engineered, injured man who soon turns his ordinary life upside down.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the actors of Supernatural, sadly

Title: If you love something you set it free.
Authour: grasshoppergirl
Rating : PG-14
Pairing: Jarede/Jensen
SUMMARY: Jensen and Sadie seem to like each other and that makes Jared feel jealous and scared....
This stroy was orginally written as a birthday present for country_bee who also have been beta reading this
for me. Since my native language isn't English, I'm begging you to forgive/overlook the misstakes that might
still occur.

Title: In From the Cold
author: ladyjanelly
Pairing : Jared/jensen
(homeless-jensen..lovely story - Wip updated )

Title: Reform High
Author: sammyndeansgrl1
Pairings: Jensen/Jared
Rating: R, for now
Category: AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Summary: Student Jensen has an interest in the new kid at the reform school, is he trouble, or everything he always wanted?
chapter one
all chapters

Title: Somewhere To See It
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: ~13,600
A/N: Huge, huge thanks to balefully for so much - for telling me where it sucked, for convincing me not to scrap it, for helping me fix it, for actually knowing stuff about the fashion world, and generally making this readable.
Title: Texas Cowboys and their Porn
Fandom: RPS
Characters: J²
Rating: NC-17
Words: +/- 3,600
Summary: Jared wants to be a pornstar. Jensen runs an evaluation test. CRACK! PWP - with emphasis on the WP!
Warning: Slash, mild Powerplay, mild Kink, Orgasmdelay
Title: When Worlds Collide
Authors: Leeks and Clex
Rating: R-For language and angst
Characters: Dean and Sam Winchester, Jensen and Jared…NO PAIRINGS! (Leeks: for the love of God, no pairings!)
Summary: Dean and Sam get a surprise when they wake up one morning. They are on the Supernatural set, and are being confused for Jared and Jensen. They think its all fun and games until they actually meet up with their mirror images. Shinanigans on set are had. After that disaster, Jensen and Jared try to run damage control... But it doesn't go so well.
Disclaimer: We claim nothing but the idea behind the fic. We have never met Jared and Jensen in real life, so …if winging it can work for the Winchesters, it sure as hell can work for us haha! Please comment and what not. We love comments (Clex: specially me mwahahahahahahah) it encourages us to get chapters out faster as well…X3

Title: Will you bite the hand that feeds? will you chew until it bleeds?
Author : mass-hipgnosis
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jared sees Jensen kissing someone else, and has something to say about it.
Title: “Winter Kept Us Warm” 1/3
Author: apostrophee @ maddys_slash
Word Count: 17,000
Pairing/Characters: Jensen/Jared, Michael Rosenbaum, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Chad Michael Murray, Tom Welling, Alison Mack
Summary: There is a boy and he wears makeup. There is another boy who shouldn’t like the first boy, but he does. Even if he doesn’t understand why.
Rating: R overall, NC-17 for certain situations.
Title: Working Out the Tension
Author: txtequilanights
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,601
Summary: Highschool AU. Cheerleader!Jensen/Football player!Jared.
Notes: Written for marishna for spn_holidays. I hope you like it, honey! Thanks to poisontaster for kickass betaing and to keepaofthecheez for holding my hand.

recs, jensen, jared, au_recs, spn-rps

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