spn recs

Mar 30, 2008 20:11

Unholy union
by cas and Art_of_Mayhem
bdsm bottom-dean mostly
Dean/Spike, slight wincest under-tone, mention of a non-con dean/ofc.

Regrets by cas

Title: 1967 Plymouth GTX Convertible, Black.
Fandom: Supernatural/Angel
Rating: R

by Kikkimax

Title: this demon (haunts me)
Author: nevcolleil
Rating: PG

Angel/Supernatural series
by killerwease
Fandom: Angel/Supernatural
Characters: Lindsey McDonald/John Winchester, assorted characters from Angel and Supernatural
Rating: R
Warnings/Spoilers: AU after Angel's Not Fade Away & Supernatural's In My Time of Dying

Thin Line
by killerwease
I have a ten part (so far) Supernatural/Angel crossover series calledThin Line.
Fandom: Angel/Supernatural
Pairings/Characters: Lindsey McDonald/Dean Winchester, Lindsey McDonald/Angel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Lindsey McDonald/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, John Winchester
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17, depending on the section
Warnings/Spoilers: AU after Angel's Not Fade Away and Supernatural's Everybody Loves a Clown, contains Wincest (Sam/Dean)

Title: Two Wild and Crazy Rogue Demon Hunters
Author: Sparrow
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss Whedon and
Supernatural belongs to Eric Kripke. I just like to play in the their 'verses.
Characters: Wesley, John
Spoilers: Post “Not Fade Away” and AU Supernatural.
Summary: John Winchester runs into an old acquiantance.
I would just like to point out this has not been beta'd yet

Clouds Before the All-Seeing Eye
by dawn ixchel55
Fandom: Supernatural/Angel crossover
Pairing: Dean/Lindsey
Rating: will vary from chapter to chapter, by overall - Adult, for graphic m/m sexuality.
Length: 2876 words
Summary: After Lindsey leaves Wolfram & Hart, he runs into a little more trouble
than he can handle and turns to an old friend for help.
Disclaimer: Since my name is neither Kripke nor Whedon, I'm obviously borrowing, but I'll give them back in good condition and I won't make a single buck off of their lovely asses.
Feedback (esp. criticism) is very much appreciated. Even typos pointed out. Thanks to dine and brynwulf for some hints and tips, but technically unbetaed so all mistakes are mine.
A/N: The timelines might be a little skewed, but only a little. The story begins approximately three months after Lindsey leaves Wolfram & Hart and, going on the theory that Sam spent 4 years at Stanford, this is 2 years after he left for college. Work with me people!

Title: Please
Fandom: Angel/Supernatural
Characters: Lindsey McDonald, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester
Word Count: 1,028
Warnings: mentions of Wincest, toys
Rating: NC-17
AU after Angel's Dead End & Supernatural's In My Time of Dying

Title: Rewind
Characters: Sam Winchester/Lindsey McDonald, Dean Winchester
Rating: R
Word count: 1,707
Summary: Summary: Sam remembers everything that happened before it was reset.
A/N: This is AU after Angel's Reunion and after Supernatural's Mystery Spot.

Title: Not Fade Away
by ethrosdemon

Title: The Blood of the Redeemer
by ethrosdemon
pairing: Dean/Lindsey

Title:Redemption is A Four Letter Word
by ethrosdemon
pairing: Dean/Lindsey

Title: Agents of Fortune
Author: Karasu Yurei
Fandom: Supernatural/Dark Angel
Rateing: PG 13
Spoilers: Yes. Seriously, vague and not so vague spoiler for both series though wildly AU from both. Take that however you want. And also for the Dark Angel written cannon.
Disclaimer: If I owned them Sam and Dean would be hugging more often, or at all.
Warning: Threats of withholding beer. And exposition. OMG the EXPOSITION. It's everywhere.

crossovers, gen, slash

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