On DS I read
Negotiations and Love Songs by brynnmck
http://brynnmck.livejournal.com/87779.htmland yay! I jus loved it. :D
On numbers (cause i'm watching every week now)
Title: Leather and Lace (cause i just love, and her work always blows me away.
Author: Spikedluv
Fandom: Numb3rs
Rating: NC17/Slash/Incest
Pairing: Don/Charlie
Length: 4761 words
Spoilers: None
Prompt #: 8. Leather; My Table.
Summary: A weekend in San Francisco.
oh any thing here
a through M
http://www.cslibrary.us/titles1.html N through Z
http://www.cslibrary.us/titles2.html Oh i have been picking my through it and i just love the fics posted here.
warning these are mixed
Truth by KatHarris (wip)
pairing don/xander
http://www.tthfanfic.com/Story-15414/KatHarris+Truth.htm Title: Magic in Numbers (akay het and oh it's so cute ..now loves willow/charlie pairing)
Author: Elisabeth
Email: dragonydreams@yahoo.com
http://www.dragonydreams.com Rating: PG-13
Fandom(s): BtVS/Numb3rs
Pairing: Willow Rosenberg/Charlie Eppes
Summary: The FBI is called in when teenaged girls go missing, who just happen to be new slayers.
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Joss et al. and Scott Free.
Distribution: slayerverseathon, my LJ, my site, TtH, the usual lists, anyone with previous permission. Anyone else - just ask.
Feedback: Yes please! It makes me happy and keeps me writing
http://www.tthfanfic.com/Story-11186/Elisabeth+Magic+in+Numbers.htm ****
Harry Potter /buffy
You Belong With Me by Sio (wip)
Severus has come into his demonic inheritance, now he must search out a mate. His search brings him to the Hellmouth where he finds Xander. SLASH, Kidnapping, Mpreg
A Remedy for What Is Ailing Me by echo
snape/anya (yes..you read that right)