updated orlando slash

Feb 10, 2008 09:25

Orlando/Sean b

Title: A Different Ending
Author: giselleslash
Pairing: Orlibean, hints of Orlando/Hugh and Sean/Eric
Disclaimer: Absolutely not true.
Beta: galor5

Written for the orlibean Valentine’s Day Challenge…based on this prompt, although slightly tweaked:

Orlando and Sean have booked a table in a restaurant for their Valentine dates but both are stood up and they decide to have dinner together and things evolve from there.


Title: Choices (12/13 + Epilogue)
Author: blueskydancers
Pairing: Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom
Rating: varies but up to NC-17
Disclaimer: This is all fiction. Yes I made it all up.
Beta read by: The wonderfully talented haldoor
Warnings: This is slash - don't read if it will offend you! AU, language, violence, smut, general mayhem...
A/N: It would help if you have read the first story in this series, Futile Obsession, before starting Choices. You can find Futile Obsession here


Title: Home Improvements
Author: dalehead
Characters/Pairing: Orlibean
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is ENTIRELY made up!
Summary: Sean wants to come.
AN: This is for the incomparable jackieville
Warning: There is BDSM and strong adult themes below the cut.


Title: I came for you 1/6
Author: raphaha
Pairing: Orlando/Sean Bean, Sean/Orlando/?, Orlando/Viggo
Rating: NC17
Warnings: light consensual BDSM, voyeurism, a tiny bit angst, some lame attempts at humor
Disclaimer: All lies, not true
Beta: silvan_lady
Summary: Sean has a new pet to play with. Will he be able keep him


Title: Play the game
Author: Greenleaf
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Sean Bean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: violence, later on mpreg
Beta: the awesome jackieville
Disclaimer: Never happened, not mine. I’m making no money with it and remain a poor girl who only wants to write. I don’t know Sheffield United, nor how their firm is called. The B.L.E is completely made up by me. "The Old Tiger’s head" is a pub in Greenwich and I only borrowed its name.

Summary: Orlando and Sean meet under the most unusual circumstances and their lives change dramatically. Sean has to make a choice.

Feedback: Makes my day that much sweeter

Title: Separation Anxieties
Author: dalehead
Characters/Pairing: Orlibean
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is ENTIRELY made up!
Summary: Sean doesn't want to go.
AN: This is for afra_schatz because of her awesome pictures that made me smile.
Warning: There is BDSM and strong adult themes below the cut.

Say ‘I love you’
By Alexa Bond 28/01/2008
Disclaimer: This never happened unless I have psychic powers and can change the past, present and future. Any likeness to real characters is all in your mind, nothing more. This is fiction, made up, never happened, not real.... you want that in other languages as well? *LOL*
I intend no infringement, this is a piece of amateur fan fiction, and I make no money off it.
Only the original idea contained within this work is the property of the author. Please do not copy this story to any website or archive without permission of the author.
Timeline: Set after the filming of LOTR.
Universe: LOTR RPS
Romance: SB/OB
Summary: Sean does not say ‘I’m sorry’ easily and ‘I love you’s are rare. An enraged Orlando has had enough and calls Viggo to vent…only to discover some truths about the true meaning of love with the help of his calm and insightful friend.
Archiving: List archive and Green Opals [http://d.1asphost.com/greenopals/index2.html] may take it; others please ask.
Feedback: Yes, please. If you want me to continue writing that is *G*. My e-mail address is alexabond2000@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Warnings: RPS, angst and some really sweet romantic notions in this one. If you don’t want your Orlando loving but a little insecure and your Sean strong but able to hurt then you should reconsider reading this one.
Series: None.
Author’s notes: Inspired by the song ‘Baby, Can I Hold You Tonight’ from Boyzone because I was feeling nostalgic ‘laughs’ Not a song fic though.
Beta by Jessie. Thanks so much. ‘many hugs’



Orlando/Eric B

Title: Lessons Learned
Authors: normalone and angel_gayla
Banner: Made by the lovely and talented galor5
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Eric Bana
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: We do not own them. We do not make any money from them. We just borrow their beautiful images for our fantasies.
Summary: RPS, completely AU, Orli and Eric are aged down for this fic. Inspired by our love for the boys and New Orleans.



Title: The Farmer's Son
Author: ConnerTiernan
Pairing : Orlando/Viggo Rating: G - NC-17
Disclaimer: I don't know Orlando or Viggo. This is not real or ever would happen. I am not making any money from this.
Summary: Orlando is a young Amish man getting ready to enter into his "Rumspringa" or running around years. Its a rite of passage every Amish person takes before joining the Amish Community and starting a family. Orlando hadn't planned on taking a rumspringa, but when a man enters into his life he can't help but want to spend some time with him. Now Orlando must beside between his Amish family and beliefs and a man he might be in love with.
Notes: I have dyslexia, so my spelling and grammar is not great. I thought this idea for a story was a good one, and I wanted to share it so please forgive me.


Title: The Camping Trip
Author: Alex (rangergril0301@gmail.com) and Carol (nbula.rising@gmail.com)
Characters: Viggo/Orlando
Rating: NC17
Warnings: M/M Sex
Beta: The wonderful Namarie120
Summary: Scout Master Viggo and his assistant Orlando take the troop on their yearly camping trip.
A/N: Part two in the Scout Master Viggo stories

As Orlando unloaded the back of Viggo's SUV



Title: I came for you 1/6
Author: raphaha
Pairing: Orlando/Sean Bean, Sean/Orlando/?, Orlando/Viggo
Rating: NC17
Warnings: light consensual BDSM, voyeurism, a tiny bit angst, some lame attempts at humor
Disclaimer: All lies, not true
Beta: silvan_lady
Summary: Sean has a new pet to play with. Will he be able keep him

Title: Mind-Mindedness (19a/20)
Author: Louby fictionbylouby
Pairing: Eventual V/O (implied VM/CP and OB/??)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Orlando has lost everything and has to do the unthinkable in order to survive - give up his child.
Warnings: Mpreg, A.U, Angst, Violence
Disclaimer: I have no affiliations with any of the actors, only the plot is mine.
Feedback: Gives me warm fuzzies.
AN: Beta read by my amazing twin sister Pippi.
AN 2: Thanks to imogen_lily for this gorgeous banner


Title: Pride
Author: jenexell
Pairing/Characters: VigOrli with hints of Orlijah if you squint and tilt your head just so. Ian, Dom, Billy, Sean B.
Rating: R for some violence and bad language. NC-17 later.
Disclaimer: If this was real, I wouldn't share. As its not, I'm sharing with no personal gain or profit, other than perhaps to feed my attention whore complex. non-recognisable elements are mine! plagiarists will be eaten alive weasels. Distribution: My Journal, box_of_tales, and quite a few other places too. (attention whore complex). If you want it, ask me.
Warnings: Some violent imagery. Cats. I'm serious. CATS!

Summery: It was so mind bending, but it was real, and it was happening to him, so one way or another he would have to get his act together and cope. Because if he didn’t? Well if he didn’t he would probably end up some kind of whacked out nervous wreck, who lived alone, jumped at shadows and turned into a screaming loony at the sight of his auntie’s cats.


Author: bahama_breeze77
Rating: PG13-R
Pairing: Vigorli
Warning: None
Summary: In a world where men can be with men or women...Two people could miss out on the love of a life time if they let pride and prejudice come between them.
Beta: Nope! Sorry!!
Feedback: Yes! Love constructive responses!! Please!

A/N: A new fic that came to me as I was watching my favorite movie, Pride and Prejudice. I'm still working on When Worlds Collide also, so don't fret!


Title: Un-Named Attraction, Chapter Eleven
Author: pyleanelf
Pairing: Viggorli
Disclaimer: This is fiction. I made it all up. And for the last time, Orlando isn't pregnant.
Rating: NC-17 overall
Summary: Viggo is a lawyer who gets by fine on his own. Orlando likes the freedom of one-night-stands and doesn't ever intend to change. Some things turn out to be out of his control.
Archive: My writing journal mywillbedone, everyone else please ask.
Warnings: mpreg, AU, angst
Notes: The idea for this story came from a comment thread discussion with soar38 about a year ago. I reread the idea today, thought that I needed a new story and then thought why not. :D The awesome banner was made by the amazing roomfor2 :)
Feedback: Yes, please!!!!

recs, orlando, rps, lotr

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