Debra Morgan/Dexter Morgan --recs-- (Dexter TV)

Apr 05, 2013 00:38

Auld Lang Syne by Fangtastic(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:My version of Season 8, and my way of wrapping up the series and those loose ends. Debster-centric.

Are You...? by KayleeFrye(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:Major 7x01 spoilers. This is the moment.
"He steps forward with a gulp, letting his get-away pack fall from his shoulder with a soft thud. The mask joins it, peeling off his face, clattering to the floor, revealing the monster beneath. She looks up, then, and he knows she is seeing him-really seeing him-for the first time since they were children, before sanctimonious Harry began preaching his sacred Code."

Being normal, and other lies by Writingisfunlol(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary: M for guilty pleasure. If you have an incest thing, back away now. If you're all for it, well then we welcome you.. --wip--

Bones in the Backyard by karlamartinova(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary: What’s a correct course of action in this case? What do you do when your sister kisses you like, well, not your sister?

Brand new year by chavahrishonah(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:Some experiences change you, alter your very core. He may no longer be sure who Debra is, but he doesn't think he knows himself now, either.

Don’t Drown In by karlamartinova(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary: Deb knows and the world keeps turning.

Ever After by Luca-Pacheco(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary: Deb's life has changed forever, and Dexter's with it. Now it's time to make a decision. Debster.

Forbidden Fruit by Mystic DodoDebr(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:a was going to hell... or perhaps she was already in it? She never escapes the devil's gaze nor deny the effects that he, that Dexter, had upon her lust ravaged body.

Inhibitions by Mystic Dodo (Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:Debra hates the effects that Dexter has on her but afterwards, left naked and raw and feeling oh so satisfied, she loves that he's there anyway.

Kill me and I’ll be alright too by karlamartinova(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary: AU. Deb is the psycho and Dexter is just eternally confused.

Morgans’ Christmas by karlamartinova(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:A year after. Season 7 Finale Spoilers

Nothing but sunshine by chavahrishonah(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:
"We've stayed in motel rooms before."
"Yeah, when we went to Myrtle Beach to visit Mom's sister."
"There were seashells embedded in the plaster in the walls and no air conditioning, just ceiling fans."

One More Kiss by Defying.Expectations(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:A brief moment between Debra, Dexter, and Harrison. Occurs sometime during season six.

Open Road by PhoenixGFawkes(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:‘When his world comes crashing down, there’s no explosion, no thunder.’ A ‘what if Dexter gets caught?’ fic. Dexter/Debra. Adult content.

Take Me Back by karlamartinovah(Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:“Dex, I’m sorry,” I hear her whisper, shuffle in the chair and I almost expect her to come and comfort me. She doesn't and I feel like I have just lost something.

Vigil by noctaval (Debra and Dexter Morgan)Summary:Deb keeps watch over her brother. It's for his own good. And hers.

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debra morgan/dexter morgan

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