potcs (jack/james)

May 26, 2011 19:46


A Chance Encounter Tween a Naval Officer and a Pyrate: An Moral Tale of Most Immoderate Behaviour With a Warning by Garnet and Webcrowmancer

A fish tale by Oasis Herself

An Account of Capture By Villainous Pyrates by Gileonnen
Summary: A Tale of the Capture and Mistreatment of a Dutch merchant Captain at the Hands of the Pyrate Jack Sparrow, as narrated by Christian Paulsen.

Between Wind and Water by Rex Luscus
Summary: England and Spain are at war, and Norrington needs a quick solution to the Jack Sparrow problem. Meanwhile, Jack discovers that the Caribbean he once knew is gone. The deal they make could solve both their troubles, or it might be the worst mistake of their lives.

Beyond the Horizon by Like A Hurricane( a favorite story of mine)
Summary: A new approach to the AWE fix-it fic idea. James has a touch of destiny about him, and the way in which he dies catches the attention of a certain recently-freed sea goddess. Also featuring: The Immortal Captain Jack Sparrow

But From Thine Eyes by Teardrop69
Summary: When Norrington is marooned, he is discovered by the most unlikely rescuers-the crew of the Black Pearl. But can the pirate captain and the commodore come to a reconciliation, or will their differences remain unresolved?

Caribbean Cartography by Dee
Summary: The unthinkable occurs to the Commodore, and Sparrow's involved. What a surprise

Dead Men Tell No Tales by E. Batagur
Summary:Continued from One Silly, Bloody Wish Later, Jack and James go in pursuit of the book that Jack stole for Beckett back in Singapore. However, Beckett hid its location so well that it will take a touch of necromancy to shake loose the truth. But how do you trust the ghost of the slimy little eel you hated when in life?

Diving for Pearls by Kitty Fisher
Summary: It would be such a waste if the man were dead. All those possibilities of cat and mouse and mouse and cat chasing across the briny. He'd been sure there were months, if not years, of entertainment to be had. And someone had stolen him. Because Jack was sure the Commodore was still alive. And he was almost certain where.

False Bearings by Rex Luscus
Summary: Sure, the compass doesn’t point north. But Jack’s not trying to find north, is he?

Fathoms by Anya S.Y.
Summary: Continues from DMC. James rescues Jack from drowning. Slash, adventure and a world trip to Cathay. With illustrations.

Fine Men by sileya
Summary: After forming an unlikely friendship, Jack Sparrow and James Norrington embark on a quest to better each other, so that they both might be fine men.

For Want Of A Nail by The Dala
Summary: Commodore Norrington must tend to an ill Jack Sparrow.

Freedom by Garnet
Summary: And how Curse of the Black Pearl could have ended rather differently.

Guardian Angel by Anya S.Y.
Summary:Due to a clerical error in Heaven, Jack is given another chance to redeem his immortal soul, by becoming the guardian angel of a certain Commodore. Chaos ensues. With illustrations.

Going Price by Arsenic Jade

Just For You by Webcrowmancer
Summary: Jack gets on Norrington's nerves, and subsequently gets what he deserves.

Matter of Rules by L.M. Griffin
Summary: Norrington faces off with a party filled with socialite sharks and the dread annoying pirate Sparrow. However, as Fate sometimes decrees, things don't happen just as he planned...

Merely Players by Hippediva & Elessil
Summary: In honour of Carnivale, we offer a masquerade.

Moonverse by firesignwriter

Moves and Motion by Rispa Cooper
Summary: Jack is crazy and has some plans for James. James retaliates. There is a series of Sexy, sexy chase me/catch me games. Written for the silly.

Negotiations by galadhir

Passages by Garnet
Summary: Endings and Beginnings... what if things had turned out very differently from the end of the movie?

Pirate Vindaloo by Hippediva & Elessil
Summary:Commodore Norrington and Captain Sparrow find themselves in a nasty jam and must rely on one another to escape.

Remedy by Webcrowmancer
Summary: Norrington isn't well; Jack makes it all better.

Sunlight by Webcrowmancer(my favorite J/J story)
Summary:'Keep one's friends close, but one's enemies closer.' Jack finds himself in the care of one Commodore Norrington, enjoying unlikely, unexpected hospitality. But is Norrington enjoying it at all?

The Affair by Jaekayelle
Summary: What's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?

The "Best Laid Plans" Story-Arc by hija_paloma and Webcrowmancer
Summary: The best plans for getting laid are usually spontaneously and serendipitously formed; Jack Sparrow seeks out the Commodore for a hands-on demonstration. The result?
Summary:He drew in a shuddering breath at the triumphant wince of lust that passed over Jack's face at his entreaty. Oh God. To give it over, to give himself up to this.

The "Breathless"( Sentenced) Story-Arc by Gloria Mundi

The Challenge by Like A Hurricane
Summary: Intent upon better knowing his enemy, after a close shave wherein the commodore's fleet nearly caught his Pearl, Jack Sparrow climbs James' trellis in order to have words, but finds that he's underestimated the good commodore. Of course, James was unfairly being very distracting, what with the nudity and all. Cat-and-mouse games ensue.

The Cupid Series by Webcrowmancer
Summary: What price is a kiss? Reparations in the wake of the Black Pearl's raid on the Turner Wedding Banquet is combined with the Turner Honeymoon in an attempt to capture afore-mentioned Black Pearl, and her erstwhile captain. But that captain is Jack Sparrow, and therefore not easily captured.

The Men Must Work Universe by Gryphons Lair
Summary:A COTBP universe, created by Commodorified. A mixture of story arcs and stand-alones.

The Mercy series by Webcrowmancer

The Norrington Saga by Webcrowmancer
Summary: The question is, who has been caught, and who is owned?

Tyger, Tyger by Like A Hurricane
Jack Sparrow makes an unsettling discovery in Tortuga one night, and the tryst that results has more of an effect on both men than expected.

White Admiral by Anya S.Y.
Summary: What if Jack was an Admiral? A series of art + ficlets.

Your Move by Pir8fancier
Summary: This series is set two months after Jack Sparrow's "fall" off the battlements of the fort in Port Royal. While Elizabeth Swann and William Turner prepare for wedded bliss, James L. Norrington has come to terms with his unrequited affection for Miss Swann, unfortunately, he cannot come to terms with the extreme boredom that is like a second skin these days.


potcs (jack/james)

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