Hl recs for saturday Dec 4 th

Dec 20, 2010 02:26

An Immortal Life Series by Flatlander(gen)
Summary:My name is Alexander LaVelle Harris. Some know me as Xander, while others know me as Alex. I'm Immortal and two thousand years old, while at the same time I was born eighteen years ago. I have fought demons, Immortals, mortals, and ugly creatures from the world without shrimp. Many have heard of me, and many fear me, except for Methos. He just wants my beer.

Buffy : Alternates by Carole(gen)

Conversations With Dead People(Immortal!verse) by beetle --awesome slash fic:)
Xander/Adam Pierson (Methos), Xander,Spike
Summary: Written for the slashthedrabble prompt “points of the compass”.
Note: Set Post-"Chosen", and post-"Horsemen". A prequel to The Immortal!verse, can be read as a standalone. Vague spoilers for BtVS, mildly AU for Highlander.

Embracing Death by Debra Fran Baker=slash
Summary:Spike/Methos. It's 1978 and both Spike and Methos are hungry. SLASH

F#cking Gypsies by MarleyBoon (gen)
Summary: Angel and Duncan commiserate in a bar

Doyle, Demon Watcher by Flatlander(gen) our favorite seer meets Joe and Amanda
Summary:Doyle is working with Cordelia and Angel when Joe Dawson, an old friend, comes to see him. Watchers in the LA area have been found dead from bloodloss and little holes in their necks...

Got sidetracked in L.A. by anne --slash
Angel/Highlander fic. Angel/Methos pairing *SLASH*. Rates a hard R to be cautious except for chapter 6: this one's a big fat NC-17.

Walk After Dinner by houses(gen)
Summary: Spike takes a walk on his way home from ‘work’, finding yet another hopeless helpless to help, or so he thought. He finds himself walking down memory lane instead, remembering those who made his unlife worth living in Sunnydale.

You're Still You by leah(gen)
Summary: Giles has been keeping a secret.

crossover, methos, gen, hl, buffy-or - ats, buffy

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