Dark Angel --Alec/Logan recs-- Q to Z

Dec 05, 2010 10:41


Q to R

Title: Rehmembahit
Author: bphaines
Pairings: Logan/Alec
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mia’s ‘group hug’ coercion has lingering effects and other commands she’d planted before Alec and Logan left.


S to T

Title: Safety First (broken link)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “Tell me again why am I doing this?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Dark Angel or anything to do with the show.

Title: Semantics
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary:Number ten; most directly related to 07: Work. http://amory-vain.livejournal.com/11832.html#cutid1

Title: Smirk
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary:Logan takes unexpected action to wipe that smirk off Alec's face.

Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: Yet another drabble fic. I'm getting pornier, so if you have any requests, make them now :D

Title:Sociology (broken link)
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Summary:This is for you hunters_retreat as part of the Fall Fandom Free For All. Your prompt: Fic: Dark angel, Alec/Logan. Logan and Max can't be together and Max has accepted that. That's all Logan's been waiting for so he begins a subtle seduction of Alec. Bonus if Alec bolts when he realizes what's happening but comes back because he wants it that much.

Title: Standing The Heat
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: NC-17/R18+. Very, very PWP.
Summary: He notices when Max disappears for a couple of days and comes back looking hollow-eyed and haunted, of course he does, but he never figured it'd happen to him.

Title: Starts With a Kiss
Author: Denyce
Pairing: Alec/Logan/Max
Summary: Starts With a Kiss
Rating: PG
Notes: First, a big thank you out to clwilson2006 for the beta. Any last mistakes are mine, just lmk. Written for polyship Advent Day 1
Disclaimer: Not Mine! I don’t own nor make any monetary value! Borrowing characters strictly for fanfiction to share with other obsessive fans intended for harmless enjoyment.

Title: Stick Around
Author: hunters_retreat
Rating: PG
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: Alec gets hurt helping Logan out and while recovering at Logan's place, realizes how graceful Logan is.

Pairing: Logan/Alec, references to Alec/OMC, Max
Summary:Number ten; most directly related to 07: Work. The rest of the prompt table is here.

Title: Sustain
Author: forcryinoutloud
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: PG13
Summary: Days go by and Logan has never seen Alec so quiet, so still.
Notes: This is part of the verse "Forgiveness" and "Healing" take place in. It follows Healing.

Title: Sugar Never Tasted So Good
Author: duh_i_read
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summery: Haribo candy, a tailored black suit and that one side of Logan only Alec seems to be able to bring out. Tricks and Treats indeed. A/L

Title: Something Worth While
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: "What's wrong with the Muppets?"
Author's Note: Drabble #2 for my December Drabble Days! :P Prompt was for alocine_89 who threw out the challenge of Alec and the words 'muppet' 'sofa' and 'roundabout' ! Muuhhhwwaahahahahha! If Jellyfish couldn't stump me nothing can!!! *winks*

Title:Sweet Aroma (broken link)
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: R
This is for you pyrokitten77 as part of the Fall Fandom Free For All. Your prompt: Fic: Dark Angel - Logan/Alec. Would love some hot smex with Top!Logan and Bottom!Alec. I don't really want angst, although I'm not too picky. I just don't want Logan or Alec being all sad about how they can't have Max. I would like some shmoop. Just a tad will do, but some cute, fluffy lines would be great

Title: Taking Care of Her
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: G
Summary: Alec needs to take care of her.
Author's Note: comment_fic prompt of Alec/Logan, Alec coming home with an X-5 baby when her mother is killed. SOOOOOO downfall35 's fault! :P

Title: Taking Chances Verse
Author: hunters_retreat
Rating: R
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: Logan and Alec have finally managed to get a grasp of their relationship, but when Eyes Only stops a child trafficking ring, the brings home something that will change their lives forever. The question is, will they be able to change together, or will it force them apart?

Title: That Silent Agony
Pairing: Alec/Logan Cale
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Why can’t you just let it go? Chosen Kink - Restraints

Title: The Accidental Date
Author: Siberian_Skys
Pairing: Alec/Logan pre-slash
Rating: PG-13
Notes: This was written from krazykipper's prompt for the Jam Pony Summer Mini-Ficathon. Thank you so much, inlaterdays for doing the last minute beta. I really appreciate your help and support.

Title: The Awesome Power of Velcro Pants
Author: glitterfics.
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: R
Summary: Logan asks Alec to do an undercover assignment for 'Eyes Only' but forgets to mention one little thing...or two little things

Title: The Look
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: Alec has The Look.

Title: The Reegenboog
Rating: PG-13
Description: When Logan needs help infiltrating a gay club in association with the mafia, who can he call on to be his fake boyfriend? Alec, of course!

Title: The One With The Alleyfucking
Pairing: Logan/Alec
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Set immediately after the pool game in 'Borrowed Time'. Max left in a cloud of angst; Logan and Alec, presumably, did not. Enter PWP!http://veronamay.livejournal.com/449743.html

Title: Through the Crack of a Door
Author: Rosalie (Feline Feral)
Rating: G
Pairing: Logan/Alec
Summary: Max learns a secret through an open door.
Notes: My first Dark Angel fic. All comments are greatly appreciated.

Title: Tryptophan
Author: Krazy
Pairings: Alec/Logan
Summary: Logan gets an unexpected visitor one night.

Title: To Use Time Wisely
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: R
Summary: It's been too long.
Author's Note: Series. Logan and Alec have finally managed to get a grasp of their relationship, but when Eyes Only stops a child trafficking ring, the brings home something that will change their lives forever. The question is, will they be able to change together, or will it force them apart? Written for bloodyfire's prompt over at comment_fic .

Title: To the Victors
Author: denyce
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: Pg-13
Note: First, a big thank you out to daria234 for the beta. Any last mistakes are mine, just lmk. And a shout out thanks to the consci_fan_mo, this was fun I only hope I can contribute more next year.

Title: Touched(broken link)
Author: downfall35
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: "Is it hard?"

Title: Two's Company. Three's Perfection
Pairing: Logan Cale/Alec/Ben
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Logan had no idea how he had managed to get in this spot, but he suddenly decided he didn't care.
Warning: Incest (Alec/Ben) and Smut. Pure Smut.


U to V

Title: Under Surveillance
Author: Deanangst
Pairings: Alec/Logan
Characters: Alec, Logan, Cindy, and Max
Summary: Everyone is watching Alec.
Sequel to Flawed Perfection


W to X

Title:Warm Hands
Pairing: Alec/Logan

Title:Warming up on a rainy night
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary:Logan helps Alec appreciate the benefits of a hot shower. Alec/Logan slash with Logan doing the seducing.

Title:Whipped (Pretty Boy, Beautiful Man)
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Summary: a Dark Angel story by Glacis. Rated NC17, no copyright infringement intended, spoilers for the episode "Two."

Title: WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN(broken link)
Author downfall35
Pairing: Alec/Logan
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “So what happened, someone trying to take out the great Eyes Only?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Dark Angel or anything to do with the show
A/N: Thanks to dvshipper for the awesome beta. Enjoy!

Title:Wonderful Tonight
Author: Deanangst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing, no money made no harm intended.
Summary: Logan has plans for Alec.


Y to Z

Title: You
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Logan/Alec
Summary: “Baby, just lay back because fighting isn’t the only thing Manticore taught us.”
Author's Note: Written for the comment_fic prompt of Dark Angel, Alec/Author's Choice, Fighting isn't the only thing they're trained to do.

Title: You Can't steal That!"
Author: Deanangst aka Blairtime
Pairing: Logan/Alec
Rated: Pg
Summary: Hi Guys, Its been over a year since I worte anything for Dark Angel. I haven't given up hope on the arc I started, maybe it will flow again.






Title: Girlfriend
Artist: Avril Lavigne
Vidder: bunniqula
Fandom: Dark Angel
Summary: Alec thinks Logan needs a new girlfriend... as long as that 'girlfriend' is him. (Logan/Alec and Logan/Max) Gratuitous use of balls, sticks, Jensen Ackles' mouth and other phallic and sexual innuendo.
http://archive.nu/bunniqula/vids/dagrlfal.wmv (~10.7megs, 360x240)
http://archive.nu/bunniqula/vids/dagrlfal_divx.avi (~32.5megs, 720x480 DivX)

alec/logan recs, dark angel

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