Snape& Lupin favorites

Jun 29, 2007 17:42

Title: Just Wanting to be Loved
Author: Angel Archer
Pairing: SS/RL & SS/SB
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: No I don't own these characters. That's why it's called fanfiction.
Betaed by: The Backseat Driver
Scenerio:#136) Lupin is in an abusive relationship because he doesn't think anyone else would want him. Snape finds out about it.

Title: Imperfect
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Snape and Lupin meet secretly during the war.

Title: To An Outside Observer.
Author: Argyle_S
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Harry Potter and all associated characters, places, spells etc. belong to J. K. Rowling. I am just borrowing them for a use I'm rather sure she wouldn't approve of. No money is being made.
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Remus missed his potion. Severus is displeased
Author's Note: This was originally meant to be cheerful shower pr0n. This is what happens when I start writing while half asleep.

A Means to an End  by Desdemona (
SS/RL. A Dash of Snape-As-Charlie
Very Much NC-17
PWP, basically.
Characters involved aren't mine. And they tried valiantly to get away from my clutches, poor things.
Notes: This was originally for wave 2, but it took longer than I'd thought it would. So I am submitting it for wave 3.

Title: Missing, Believed Dead
By: tetsubinatu
3) After killing/apparently killing Dumbledore, Snape flees Britain. Dumbledore’s picture reveals the truth. Remus searches for Severus, but how can he find a spy?

more grat snupin here :

recs, snupin

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