mixed recs

Mar 09, 2010 22:28

09 march 2010 @ 10:28 pm

Title: An Accident in Time
Author/Artist: ciraarana
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 37,500
Warning(s): chan (15), *bottom!Snape; mentions additional pairings: Harry/OMC, one-sided Harry/Ginny, and Ron/Hermione*
Prompt/Summary: One evening, Harry opens the door to an unexpected visitor, and is faced with a boy who looks and sounds like a younger version of Severus Snape. Exactly like a younger version.
A/N: winoniel, from your requests I took bottom!Snape. I meant to write a cute, fast-paced little story for you. But then Severus kind of kidnapped my plot and ran away with the story. He might be a bottom, but he's awfully toppy all the same, if you ask me. Hope you enjoy it!
A million and one thanks to my brave betas, afina_shining and leela_cat!

Title: Any Place But Those I Know By Heart
Author: Amatia
Email: beech000@uwp.edu
Fandom: X-Files/Angel: The Series
Pairing: Jeff Spender/Wesley Wyndham-Pryce
Status: WIP
Overall Rating: NC-17
Archiving: List archives - all else please ask.
Summary: After being shot by his father, Jeffrey Spender tries to make a new life in Los Angeles.

Afterimages by rac
Category: Highlander/XFiles slash xover
Summary: Disaster visits Walter Skinner's personal life, and coping with it leaves him floundering. Duncan MacLeod never asked to be involved, but fate intervenes. Together, they come face to face with some painful issues as their lives intersect between prevarication and grief, need and revelation, and both men must find new ways of thinking in the midst of change.

by Amatia
Angel/X-Files cross-over.
Angel/Fox Mulder. R. 15 K. 29 October 2000.
Another little weird crossover, because people actually asked for it. And the curse - what curse?

Title: Detective Work
Author: Voracity
Email: voracitys@hotmail.com
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Sentinel & Due South/BTVS
Pairing: Jim/Blair, Xander/Ray V./Oz.
Archive: if you *really* want to.
Notes Squared: For Mary and Dine, and Bast and Sarah. The first two makes everything readable, but I didn't *even* want to inflict this on them. The other two have coddled and cuddled me through bad times and have helped me see what true strength is. And for Sarah especially because she's getting better again. And for Scorpio, who's nice.

Chatroom Encounter by PEJA (blair/krycheck)

Title: Future Turned Backward
Author: werewindle
Rating: R
Word Count: 4931
Warning(s): *None*
Prompt/Summary: An eighteen year old Severus finds time travel a little trickier than he expected.
A/N: The song Harry and Sev listen to is The Boys Are Too Refined by The Hush Sound. Bes: Egyptian god - drives off evil, also symbolizes the good things in life - music, dance, and sexual pleasure.

Title:Good Enough
Author: Amy B
Sequel to Chance Meeting
Highlander/dueSouth cross-over.
Fraser/Ray K, Cory Raines/Tyler King. NC-17. 17 K. 12 March 2000.
It's an eventful night for Tyler and Cory

Title: Just Desserts
Author: ivylady
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~2600
Warning(s): *bottom!Snape, food sex, fluff*
Prompt/Summary: Harry and Severus have been friends for ten years. Neither one realized what they had in the other until one fateful dinner.
A/N: Thanks again to venturous and ladyjayvee for reading over my story and helping me polish it. I'm sorry I put you guys on the spot, but you're wonderful! Thanks a lot. Thanks again to the mods for putting on this fest and having me for another year. I really appreciate it. I apologize in advance for my rusty French. eeyore9990, I hope you enjoy!

Title: Let your Heart Walk
Author: winoniel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~20,000
Warning(s): * bottom!snape; mpreg *
Prompt/Summary: The Wizarding world is in trouble and only Harry and Severus can save them with a ritual that requires they make the ultimate sacrifice.
A/N: Dearest ivylady , I couldn’t manage to fit all of your kinks in, but I tried to incorporate those that would fit with your prompt. It was fun to write, so I hope you enjoy it. My sincere thanks go out for the efforts of my betas, blaines09 and the incomparable eeyore9990 and the patience of the snarry_swap mods!

Greater Sins by Te
Summary: Methos runs across Alex Krycek. Might help to have some vague idea of who these guys are, though.

Paris in a bottle by Imsida
Summary : just a chance meeting in the city of lights

Seeking Sanctuary by Shomeret
Hl/ST:tos (Spock/Kirk,Methos/DM
Rating: This story is PG-13 slash. The m/m relationships in this story are not portrayed explicitly.
Disclaimers: Methos, Duncan MacLeod, Gregor Powers and Cassandra belong to DPP. Sarek, Amanda,T'Lar and Spock belong to Paramount. Jasper Dawson is my OC.

Author: Te
Pairing: Alex Krycek/Ray Kowalski
Ratings Note: R for language, some human relations.
Summary: On the town with Alex.
Author's Note: Well, first there was this conversation with Viridian, and then there was this conversation with Dawn Sharon... Starts off weird, goes from there.

Author/pseudonym: ROXANNE
Rating: NC-17
Archive: Yes to Slashing
E-mail address for feedback: DDS455@AOL.COM
Other websites: http://members.aol.com/dds455/perfectman.html
Summary: While Blair's in Seacouver for a conference, he goes cruising and
meets up with Adam Pierson.
Warnings: AU

ts, snarry, due_south, crossover, recs, due-south, x-files, buffy

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