Jack/will recs list 3

Sep 15, 2009 05:00

more j/w recs here http://mysticdreamer32.livejournal.com/118875.html

Title:April's Fool
Author: Hellborne ( the_ferret_mom@yahoo.com )
Pairing: Jack/Will
Summary: It's April Fool's Day, and there's a prankster onboard the
Pearl. Slash.

Title: Agwé (or: Spirit of the Sea)
Author: Gin
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: And how fitting was it that their first and only kiss came too late, when none of it mattered any longer?

Title: Davy Jones’s Locker (f-locked)
Author: Bj Jones
Rating: FRAO
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Various Executives, Producers, Writers and Studios own them, and they have more lawyers on retainer than I want to mess with. I'm not making any money, and promise to return them where I found them once I'm finished.
Summary: Will and Jack fight to free him from Davy Jones

Title: Dawn Appointment With the Gallows
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: What if Will had a better plan to rescue Jack from the hangman's
noose? An alternate and decidedly slashier ending to the movie.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Title:Dress Code Optiona
Author: Talya Firedancer
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R

Title: Forlorn Hope: Lionheart
Rating: R
Genre: General, mild pre-slash
Pairing: Pre-Turrow
Length: Long
Spoilers: CotBP, post DMC
Credits: Veronica Rich and Yakkorat for beta, ithicajackal's sketches of Lionfish Will, Philosophercat for the link to the prayer here and the boys of Wylde Nept for the lyrics from "Wild Colonial Boy" and "Between Moonbeams." These guys are several million shades of awesome, and without them in my playlist, I'd never get anything done in this universe.
Summary: First in a series. Eighteen years after Will Turner stabbed the heart of Davy Jones, he stumbles upon someone he thought lost.

Leting The punishmen fit the crime
Author: Hellborne
Email: the_ferret_mom@yahoo.com
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R
Warning: slight Anamaria/jack. and slight non-con..uh well to be honest jack had it coming *evil laugh.*
Summary: Summary: They say that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Those
people never met Will Turner. Made for JackXWill Challenge 1.

Title: Mutiny (Hellborne god rest her soul, was one Of my favorite writers)
Author: Hellborne
Email: the_ferret_mom@yahoo.com
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Poor Jack. There's something secret going on, and he's not part

Title: Never Trust a Pirate
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: J/W
Rating: NC17
Summary: Jack knows Will can never pass up a challenge. Jack can be very

Title: No Way Out
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: G
Summary: Contrary to popular belief, hell is a cold, dark place. Jack Sparrow
knows this with the same certainty with which he knows that tomorrow at dawn
they'll put the noose around his neck and he'll finally hang.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Title: Nocturne
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will, Jack/Black Pearl
Rating: PG
Summary: A man with two loves is twice blessed.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.
Author's note: Many thanks to Wren for her contributions to Will's thoughts. Each
paragraph is a 100-word drabble

Title: No words besides I love you
Author: MahieSparrow
Rating: NC-17
Archive/Notes: Written for CIB's March challenge "No magic words".
You can archive it anywhere, just let me know. After the challenge
ends, it'll be posted at Aff.Net and some of the lists I participate.
Warnings: Hot Jack/Will smut! Oh, well. ;) A bit angsty by the
beginning, too.
Summary: None given. Just read it

Title: Observation
Author: Melannen
Email: Melaelfie@aol.com
Pairing: Pirate/Boy(Jack/Will)
Rating: G
Summary: The story of how Jack and Will got together, told from a
different point of view.
Archive: JackXWill archive. Anyone else, please ask.

Title: Playing With Fire
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: Will contemplates the consequences of playing with fire.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Pleasurable Company
Author: Sparrowhawk
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: NC17
Summary: If you walked in on Jack and Will together, wouldn't you stay to watch? Anamaria would, too.
Warnings: PWP.

Title: the Arse
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R
Summaryduring the film, that night they (must have) spent in Tortuga.
Includes some nasty men wanting to cause a certain blacksmith pain, the very
same blacksmith being a pain, and finally a well-known pirate captain
teaching him something about pain.

stories by creedcasecade ) and co wrtten stuff

Title: The Call
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will, Jack/Bill implied
Rating: PG
Summary: Will remembers his father and the call of the sea.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Title: The Cutlass
Author: HMC ( HMCGirl@eartlhink.net )
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG-13, but will prolly go up (violence, non-con and the
Summary: Jack's past has a way of popping up at the most inopportune

Title: The real treasure
Author: Mahie
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG-13
Archive: JXW list and site, other lists of my choosing; any other
place, let me know and I'll say yes.
Summary: "Sometimes the most beautiful things are the most dangerous."

Title: The Sail Maker ( jack dies, oh so sad...it was terrible and lovely at the same time ( i admit to advoding stories like this like the black pleauge
--even to today i normal will pass them by. But i had hunch i'd like it. And i was right, it put me in the mind of the Hp/snarry fic -If Your Prepared-),
just remember to grab you tissues. )
Author: Hellborne
Email: the_ferret_mom@yahoo.com
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG-13
Warning : dark stuff volence (h/c)
Summary: Poor Jack. There's something secret going on, and he's not part

Title: The Pet
Author: SkyFire
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Warnings: PWP, googoo faces
Summary: The last time Will saw him, Captain Jack Sparrow was being
dragged aboard the ship of Capt. Jonas, a pirate from Jack's past with a
score to settle. W/J, O/J. Violence, Slash, angst, lemon.

Title: The Curse of Time
Author: starrdust411
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, Mpreg, Drama, Angst
Summary: Jack and Will parted ways years ago, but when the two reunit after five years apart, Jack realizes that he should have never let him go.

The Marks That Tell the Tales
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: It's the marks that tell the tales, bearing witness to what a man's done and where he's been. Some of his marks Jack wears with pride, like the ebony galleon sailing regally across his upper back, but others were not of his choosing.
Warnings: None.

Title: Take Me With You (1/?)
Author: klear0bsession
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R (this chapter. Overall story NC-17)
Summery: Will is ready to join the crew of the Black Pearl. Established Jack/Will relationship. DMC and AWE do not exist in this universe.

Title: The Tempest
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will, Jack/Bill implied
Rating: PG
Summary: A storm at sea stirs up more than wind and water.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Title:Two Shillings
Author: BrightAngel
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: R
Summary: Jack Sparrow and Will Turner reach Tortuga, and Jack checks them into an inn. What will Jack do to save two shillings?

Title: Untitled Jack/Will
Author: icarus_malfoy
Pairing: Jack Sparrow/Will Turner.
Rating: PG-13 (at the most).
Warnings: Spoilers for Dead Man’s Chest.
Summary: Set after an unmentioned/unexplained At World’s End. What if it was Will who had kissed Jack and chained him to the mast? What becomes of their relationship now that Jack is back in the land of living?

Title: Unrequited
Author: Sparrowhawk (sparrowhawk@subtleinnuendos.slashcity.net)
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: Anamaria knows who broke the captain's heart.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, don't make money off 'em.

Title: Who Loves Him True
Author: SkyFire
Pairing: Jack/Will
Rating: PG
Summary: Some of the longest days of Jack's life. Set after PotC.

recs, potc, jack/will

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