it's been a while

May 24, 2005 12:00

Well....where do I begin? A lot has happened. Lets see...ummmm Let's start with school. Normally I would go into what kind of grades I got for the semester, but....I"m not finished with school. At the end of the semester I got a severe viral illness and was not able to finish. I got incompletes in three of my classes and finished two of them. The grades I have recieved thus far are a B in Health Studies and a D in history...hey at least I passed. My GPA is going to go down extremely. I just sorda pissed the semester away, but one thing is I don't make the same mistake twice, sooo I'll do better next semester. I'm not too worried about it...except for the fact that I have to make up the $550 dollars a semester I will be losing with my southeastern scholarship and the $200 stipend from tops a semester. So that is $ 750 dollars less than I have been getting, but oh well I guess that I will have to actually use those student loans now. Oh well I'll make it by.

Ummm...Around the time I got sick I turned 19 woohoo...yay! David took a job at the Winn Dixie distribution center in Hammond. Now he's living with me in our new apartment. I love it that he's with me and I come home to him or he comes home to me everyday. I love it so much! I will say though that it has been a big adjustment. I'm just not used to cooking, and washing clothes all the time, and keeping the place picked up. It's different. The first week me and DAvid were fighting a lot, but that's just because we are working on getting used to each other. I love it that he lives with me....oh and we made 4 months seems a lot longer than that.

Anyways as far as me. I"m doing better, once I get this school work done and it will be a little less stress on my shoulders. It's just been hard because it's just a time for adjustment. I've been very very very emotional lately, don't ask why. I cry at sad things, happy things, I cry even when I have nothing to cry about...maybe it's just some kind of phase. It doesn't necissarily mean i'm unhappy, like I said it's just a time of adjustment and change, and those who know me, know that I don't do good with change. Well I'm going to go take a shower now, i'll try to update more often now. Bye everyone!

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