Back at the dorm

Jan 04, 2005 01:56

Well I know it's been a few days, but here's whats been going on. I'm back at the dorms and to my surprise I'm not on the computer near as much as I thought I would be. Today has been a pretty busy day though. I worked this morning at 8 got off at 10:30 and went to housing. Right now I'm gonna try to room with Jamie in the new dorms, if they get an opening. It's not fair though because those students who are actually in the honors program get the discount. I qualify, but i'm not in the program because I choose not to be. That is very discriminatory!! They should give us all the discount since it is their fault that we are in this perdicament anyway. I mean they are allowing a guy that is on probation of the honors program with a 2.5 GPA get the discount, but not those, like me, who have a 3.72. What's wrong with this picture? Anyways I don't want to talk about this anymore, because i've talked about it enough.

On the upside however, I will probably will be rooming with Jamie and me and David will be able to be alone and he will be able to stay over. I can't wait to room with Jamie it will be so much fun. I mean, I will miss Christine, but me and Jamie just get along so well. I really don't think it is possible for us to get sick of each other, lol.

I didn't get to talk to David today. I only get to talk to him once a week until he comes home :( That's no good, especially when I'm used to talkin to him every night, haha i'll live tho...i Jamie knows when he is coming home and she won't tell me. know I was thinkin about it today I don't know if I will have much time for David. With me taking 18 hours and work at the preschool and more than likely work at Cracker Barrel. I don't know what I'm going to do yet. I'll make time for him though, I really do love him so much.

I really do hope his pool hall works out. That would be so awsome, it really would...hehe! I pray for him a lot, he just doesn't know it. When he gets home he has a lot on his plate. I like that though, that he has high ambitions. Hummm....can you tell that I have it bad.

I saw johile today and christine is back till tomorrow. Yay! I didn't realize how much I missed them, and I really miss Thaddeus. I know it's sad. It's so depressing that we are all gettin seperated...sigh...It was funny Johile came to my work to tell me goodbye and he went through the church instead of the preschool, and got locked out. So we see this guy climbing the fences and stuff and I was like I know him. lol....ok....maybe it was one of those have to be there things.

I got to see my kids today, it was really good to see them again, I missed them. Kristen came over Sunday night and spent the night, that was fun it was really good to see her, but I hate seeing her so sad and misrable. She just needs to realize that everyone makes mistakes. Of course tho, if I was put in that situation I would probably be acting the same way.

I'm tired yall so goodnite and sweetdreams....i will be dreaming of David...hehe
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