Dec 30, 2004 23:06
DON'T YOU JUST LOOOVE our president? he's spent 191 Billion (with a B) dollars on the war and those people don't even really like us or think our presence has helped them...and these people who really could use our help we have only given 35 million...we are THE wealthiest country on earth and we can't donate more to these people? the death toll so far is estimated 117,000 people and still rising as they find more bodies. That's more then vietnam! Go look it up! One day there was a whole coast there a whole beach and then GONE! all these peoples lives are either under water or out in the middle of the ocean ...i mean just imagine living on the shore of new jersey and in one day the whole shore is GONE! swept away! Your house all your belongings you loved ones!...DONATE NOW! tell your parents bush sucks! DONATE NOW!