Progress is good

Nov 28, 2007 14:26

I should finish today or tomorrow, I think. The novel, that is. Rook's sister (the mad witch prophetess; she has many names) set up the villain and Rook knocked her down yesterday. I was sort of disappointed in that resolution afterward because it seemed too much like Icarra (the sister) did the actual killing. But the more I think of it, there were other factors at work there and if Gwyne (the villain) had been a bit less generous with the fire spells, she might not have ended up in such a bad spot.

Write in tonight and a write in tomorrow. My plan is to get there this evening with 1000 words already in the bag. With luck I'll get everyone back together again, have Fearss, Bryte, and Kallm (hey, lookie, they got names!) show up and maybe start down that minorly complicated road. That would leave just the epilogue (which I'm still looking forward to even if I'm not entirely certain it will make its way into the final cut anymore) to do on Thursday. Not sure how many words it would take to pound that out, but hopefully not too many.

I think the sense of accomplishment from getting it finished will be enough to push me on to start the editing process. Or at least the process of correcting all my misspelled words. Maybe I'll put it away for a month (still no word yet on a title; inspiration is getting lazy on me) and then come back to it in January. That should give me time to do sufficient rewrites by March to throw it into NaNoEdMo. Let's hope :).

I'll be heading to the grocery store in a few minutes for basic supplies. I think I might make the cheesy chicken stuff in the crock pot tomorrow for Hos so he doesn't have to eat TV dinners or leftovers one night this week :P. Plus it's good stuff and I LOVE it as leftovers.

We rented Eragon and Black Snake Moan last night. Watched Eragon last night with Hos, watched BSM this morning after I got up. Black Snake Moan was by far the superior film. Eragon felt rushed, the acting wasn't particularly good (when Jeremy Irons died, it all sort of went to hell), and John Malcovich, one of the two actors I was looking forward to seeing, did little more than laugh maniacally and make ridiculous threats. That was disheartening, to say the least. Anyway, Black Snake Moan was a really good movie about working through your fears and the things in your past and making the best of what you have. Samuel L. Jackson was good as was Cristina Ricci (along with her breasts, which Hos told me were among the co-stars and I agree :P). It's not the movie for you if you can't handle some sex and some violence and a whole lot of cursing. But it's got a good message, I think, and I really enjoyed the characters by the end of the movie. Redemption for all and to all a good night. And OMG I didn't want to punch Justin Timberlake every time he was on screen, what's up with that? A good movie, I recommend it.

Ok, groceries, then a thousand words, then Hos will be home and we'll bum around on WoW for an hour or so and then I'll head up to the write in. A pretty full day, but with good stuff at the end :).


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