(no subject)

Sep 10, 2018 21:39

Lookie, it's a list!

In no particular order, the gods of my Little Red Death 'verse. Function followed by name followed by (gender). Names subject to change at my whimsy. Next week there might even be a timeline. Oooooohhh :P.

Fear - Emmaline (F)
Travel - Sethir (M)
Storm - Gedwin (M)
Earth - Dowd (M)
Vengeance - Kwince (M)
Dream - Martan (M)
Wild - Faite (F)
Courage - Sowith (M)
Healing - Theron (M)
Games -- Jao (M)
Merchant -- Aster (F)
Home & Hearth -- Casta (F)
Sage -- (He)Lin (F)
The Heart -- Amenda (F)
Truth -- Serin (F)
Pain -- Kayn (F)
Tales -- Bromaj (M)
Laughter & Grief -- Paxton and Ramses (MM)
Lost Child -- Sind (F)
Darkness -- D'arseigh (M)
Justice/Balance -- Renfei (M)
Courtier -- Mab(rie) (F)
Protector -- Nicfene (M)
Seas -- Syrce (F)
Hatred -- Soranai (F)

Prose - Hathir (F)
Speech - Hyth (M)
Cooking - Marne (F)
Death -- Sairus (M)
Music -- Symph (M)
Beauty -- Aracynth (F)
Builder -- Lucier (M)

From Before:
The Mother
the Daughter

littlereddeath, original

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