Calum makes me smile on this journal, too :p

Aug 28, 2011 22:50

So, umm, I got the idea in my head to make some audio rips of Island, specifically some of the stories Calum tells. I have no clue if anyone but me would be interested, but here they are, well a couple of them... oh and since I only wanted the stories I edited Nikki out.

Table Rock

The Seal Girl

Erm, I don't know what to call it, but the one about the houses of the Little People, etc... there are two versions, the first has a bit of Nikki at the end, the second is edited with Nikki cut out and to make it work I had to edit a bit of the end...

I also made a rip of the little 'jig' he does about the Blue Men and the short little tale about the islanders' Mass.

Apologies to anyone who got this from both my journals.

Uber!Epic!FAIL! Somehow, me or the gremlins, the downloads got locked, I fail, sorry. They should all be unlocked now, if anyone has further trouble pls, pls, let me know.

Since apparently I didn't make it clear enough, these are snaggable, but I'd like to know if you do, hence: Comments are love.


dom: other, media: audio

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