New Year's Resolutions 2009

Dec 31, 2008 12:08

1. Get a job within six months after I graduate
2. Read ten new books.
3. Watch five new films.
4. Get a dog.
5. Graduate by August.
6. Visit a foreign country (preferably not India)
7. Read five new books
8. Choose a career path that really interests me, and figure out how to get there.
9. Learn about a new country...culture, language, religion, everything.
10. Learn more about Islam, Wicca and Sikhism.
11. Cut the old ways of life a bit more, and start to tell the truth.
12. Instead of complaining about the things I hate about myself, change them productively.
13. Do something where for one moment, I feel completely free.
14. Stop worrying about my mother, and remember that we are all responsible for our own emotions.
15. Be unafraid to talk in front of a group of people.
16. Kick all of my addictions by 31st December 2009
17. Get so high I can't remember anything...just once.
18. Stay on target weight wise.
19. Find love, or at least learn to be unafraid of it.
20. Look somebody straight in the eyes when I tell them I'm a lesbian for the first time.

new year's resolutions, new year's resolutions 2009

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