Today I was behind a woman at the grocery store. As I watched, she *picked up a Snickers bar* to buy. I couldn't believe it. What on earth was she thinking?? I mean, the Milky Ways were *right there* in plain sight! How stupid could she be? So I tried explaining to her how wrong she was and that everyone knows that Milky Ways are better. And then she got angry with *me*, saying she didn't like Milky Ways (is that even possible??) and that I was the one who was stupid. *rolls eyes* People can be so dense.
Today I was talking to a person online. As we talked, she mentioned she *likes Daniel/Sam ship*. I couldn't believe it! What on earth was she thinking?? I mean, Sam/Jack are practically 100% canon! How stupid could she be? So I tried explaining to her how wrong her ship was, and that everyone in fandom knows that Jack and Sam are meant to be. And then she got angry with *me*, saying she didn't like Sam/Jack ship (is that even possible??) and that I was the one who was stupid. *rolls eyes* People can be so dense.
Make more sense now?
I apologize for the farce, but the analogy came up in chat tonight, and I thought perhaps it was worth repeating.
You see, this, my dear flist, is how I view fandom flames and fandom wars.
Utterly ridiculous.
True, I have rather idealistic ideas when it comes to fandom. I wish it was a place where we could all just respect each others views, even if we don't agree. Where puppies and kittens play in meadows of flowers and cotton candy. Can't we all be happy with our own little interpretation of ship and canon and missing scenes and whatnot and leave all the bitterness and squabbling at the door? Probably not. But I do wish more people would try.
(And as you might have guessed, both of these scenarios are totally fictional. And in fact, I don't ship for either Sam/Daniel or Sam/Jack, so no offense was intended to either ship or their respective shippers. I just borrowed them in this instance to make a point. ETA: Also, I enjoy *both* Snickers and Milky Way bars. *g*)