My day just got soooo much better...

Apr 04, 2006 03:10

Worked til 1:45am.

Got home. Realized my cell phone bill was due on April 3.

Freaked, then got online to make said payment, but opted instead to use my phone and call the payment in. I'd say I'm well within the grace period, but eeep! I didn't think it was due until Thursday!

Checked my email since I was here and...



***Happy Dance***

OHMIGOSH! I was absolutely thrilled to see that email! I was disappointed before since Michael had been added to the other cons, but *not* Chicago. But I was keeping hope alive that he would join later. And he did! Yay!

You're in for a real treat now, Julie. There's nothing quite like seeing Michael in person. :D

Is it August yet?!


michael shanks, chicago con

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