Aug 13, 2004 22:26
Yeepie Skippie!
Okay so as you all know I'm taken and I have a great job. Well you may also know that my friend Michelle has been seeing Lee for awhile now and last weekend he asked her to marry him! They have set a date for Oct. 23, 2004! Yes indeed.. We have lots of planning to do in so little time.
Plus Ashley's baby boy is coming Sept. 15th so we have so much crap going on in the next few months its not even funny. Well Livia has finally gotten over her ex for a few months now and seeing Eddie.. She has fallen head over heals, she don't realize it but Michelle n I told her she is acting just like Michelle did when her n Lee started dating.
So ryte now my two best friends are in love and after all this wishing to finally be loved myself, I am now in the same boat they are. My friends are in love, my moms got a bf so she is happy. Life is SWEET!
Oh and with this new job I've made really good friends with 3 people outside of the job. Henry is so sweet, he's one in a million and 23 years old. Sasha is 20 I think. But Amy is fixing to turn 20 in Sept. I've only hanged out with Amy outside of work so far coz of being busy, but today I went to her house to have breakfast and it was great! She is the sweetest girl and so is her mom! The bad news is that at the end of the month she is going away FAR away for college =( She said today she myte not go coz she hasn't got enough money saved up as she thought and I know it's mean to say but I wish she wouldn't leave coz we are becoming such good friends and I'd hate to see her go. I know it's good for her but still ya know? Oh well we'll see how it rolls.
Anyways back to the whole love thing.. I was talking to Michelle yesterday sense I haven't talked to her since I quit my old job and she was like "omg, please tell me you aren't turning into one of us" I busted out laughing.. I guess I have. I say this because I was talking about how Jeremy's the last person I talk to before I goto bed and first thing I wake up to in the morning (cept the past 2 days coz of working so much) but I've lost like 15lbs coz all I do is work and him. (I didn't mean "do" as in DO him..haha pervs!)
Hm today I went shopping and bought like 10 g-strings and some bras.. You don't even wanna know how much I ended up spending. Blah.. Oh and I got some batteries coz Jeremy keeps buggin me about em but my digital won't work now! I gotta buy me another damnit. I went to go see 'Day After Tomorrow' and HOLY CRAP that thing was good! I kept wondering who was gonna actually die next. And when those animals tried to kill them cute boys I was like "yea KILL EM! STAB THE DAMN ANIMAL" but I didn't need to see the thing run into the door and blood go everywhere.. I mean come on.. I still <3 animals. I think I'm gonna hafta buy that movie when it comes out on dvd.
I just realized I have no new pictures of me on the internet or any for that matter since last summer. I need to, I've changed lol.. Well I'm gonna go sleep coz I got up too early for Amy this morning on my day off so I'ma sleep in tomorrow and prolly do nothing but tan and swim. <3
Oh and you wouldn't believe.. I barely cuss anymore. I mean yea I've typed "hell or damn" a couple times on here but in real life I've pretty much stopped cept a lil "damn, shit or hell" when something hits me or such. It's pretty good coz it use to be every other word that use to be a cuss word. But now that I'm at a good job where kids are and I'm less stressed, and we have a baby coming.. I just wanted to get my life straight again.. I've done well so far!
<3 to those who care