Jan 21, 2005 23:30
ok, what I have burned seems to be....a coaster
ok, there are ways around that
in the mean time
I saw pink converse in the mall tonight, I drooled over them and contemplated stealing them but thought against it cause Id never make it out the doors lol
anyways, the sushi is really starting to turn on me, but hey, I tried something new and it tasted yummy, it just made me sick after lol
but still I likes the sushi ^_^
now that I have wasted one Cd, I think I will burn more wisely next time lol
but anyway, the Funeral Of Hearts music video kicks ass, Im in love with it
mabye someday I will get to meet Ville....and Gas...and Midge...and Linde....and Burton
c'mon I gotta meet 'em all lol, and you know, having a tasty sexual escapade with Ville Valo sounds quite interesting
but anyway, if that happens youll see my face in the tabloids.....or something to that effect lol
but yeah anyways
its really cold outside, its unbeleiveably cold
even going from the car to the house
I thought I was going to die
is wasnt savvy :(
Im not a big fan of cold lol, not a big fan
uh...hmm...what else
oh yeah, when I click on my friends page the computer decides to fuck up
every time!!
that sucks :(
I want to read what everyone has to say :(
last night I slept with my arm under my back, thats pretty weird so you know what? my back is killing me!
and I couldnt move my arm for a while when I got up
that sucks :(
but yeah, I should be off now to test out the friends page
(its a fucker)
-DEZ!!!!!~*~Capitals And All~*~