So, I'm at a crossroad...
On the left, I have college.
Straight ahead, I have the option of staying at a dealership.
On the right, I have the marines...
Any way I look at it, I'm fucked somehow.
I'm in bold, obviously.
BoondockSaint006: why does everything think somethings wrong with me?
damnit lets ride: whats up dude
damnit lets ride: i know something is wrong
BoondockSaint006: if there's one person I can't bullshit in this world.. it's gotta be you
damnit lets ride: stephs ex?
BoondockSaint006: Hell nah man, fuck that
damnit lets ride: aight
BoondockSaint006: that wasn't anythin man
damnit lets ride: what is it then?
BoondockSaint006: I got 7 months to decide what to do with my life
damnit lets ride: yeah
BoondockSaint006: Stay on as a mechanic
damnit lets ride: you gotta chose a path
BoondockSaint006: go to college, start my own business.
BoondockSaint006: or try something off the wall.
BoondockSaint006: And honestly, I'm not going to be forgotten when I'm gone.
BoondockSaint006: After high school, who's going to remember me, honestly?
BoondockSaint006: Especially after college.
damnit lets ride: heh, i know how you feel
BoondockSaint006: I just don't know what to do anymore
BoondockSaint006: I can't just sit here in detroit and let my life go flying passed me
damnit lets ride: i know what you mena
BoondockSaint006: I'm not just going to fall off the face of the earth and let time take me away.
BoondockSaint006: But the only problem is, I don't know what to do about it.
damnit lets ride: i know my path now,
damnit lets ride: its clear as day
BoondockSaint006: Dude, after I got arrested, I found out how many people actually cared about me.
damnit lets ride: PFC Bruce ELsey
BoondockSaint006: A little more than I expected.
BoondockSaint006: But the ones that really mattered.
BoondockSaint006: Most of them didn't even try to say hi, or get in contact
damnit lets ride: some people are just like that
BoondockSaint006: like kayla.
damnit lets ride: they take people for granted
BoondockSaint006: I thought kayla would be one of the first people to call me.
BoondockSaint006: I mean, I knew you and erin would stop by at least.
BoondockSaint006: Kristen suprised the hell out of me when she called.
damnit lets ride: yeah
BoondockSaint006: but it was like, where was everyone else at?
BoondockSaint006: All those people who said they would always be there for me, and would be so upset if anything happened to me. Where the fuck where they?
damnit lets ride: thats how people are
damnit lets ride: just accept the fact and realize what truely lies in front of you
BoondockSaint006: that I'm going to die and no one will remember my name
BoondockSaint006: high school's the end of the line
damnit lets ride: if thats what it is then thats what it is
damnit lets ride: but you can change that
BoondockSaint006: Bruce
BoondockSaint006: you probly know me better than my own mother
BoondockSaint006: where the fuck am I going in life?
BoondockSaint006: all those hopes and dreams I had..
damnit lets ride: i cant even answer the same question about myself
BoondockSaint006: That's a great answer
BoondockSaint006: Heh
damnit lets ride: just follow your heart
BoondockSaint006: dude
BoondockSaint006: my heart died a long time ago
damnit lets ride: your actions are worth a thousand words
BoondockSaint006: There's only one problem
BoondockSaint006: I don't know what to do
BoondockSaint006: I lost all my passion
damnit lets ride: i just foudn one
BoondockSaint006: Being stuck at home, being stuck in a place where all I can do is think and not do, it fucks with my head.
BoondockSaint006: And I have to sit here and think
BoondockSaint006: Constantly.
BoondockSaint006: About what to do next.
damnit lets ride: well learn from your mistakes
BoondockSaint006: All I want to do is live. Even if it's minute to minute, or day to day, or week to week.
BoondockSaint006: I just want to be able to smile at the end of the day and say, let's do that again tomorrow. but lately, I've only been thinking, okay... so now what?
damnit lets ride: i cant wait until i am 18 and have graduated
BoondockSaint006: you have fun
BoondockSaint006: oh, and by the way, I'll probly be right there besides you after graduation
damnit lets ride: you thinking about it
BoondockSaint006: yeah
BoondockSaint006: I've been thinking about joining for a while now..
BoondockSaint006: I might be able to make some kind of impact on this shit
BoondockSaint006: I'm just sick of sitting around, doing NOTHING all day long.
BoondockSaint006: for my whole life.
BoondockSaint006: Like, nothing important.
So as a continuation...
I'm listing the people who mean the most to me, as of this moment RIGHT NOW
In order by who I thought of first:
Erin Kobosky
My sister
my family
Sara Spencer
That's all I can think of right now, my brain is fried...
Fuck off.