Nov 20, 2010 00:06
Hey there, to whoever reads this blog xD
Most of you online friends would've figured out by now that I'm back from my hiatus - exams are officially over! They finished last week..thank goodness they're over. I think I wrote more in those exams (in one of them, I literally wrote 10 pages..) than I have all year! Needless to say (though I'm saying it anyway xD), my hand was uber sore afterwards.
I've been so busy since finishing exams - I've been catching up with lots of my friends (although many of them have still got exams) and getting a social life together haha. I've hardly had any time at all to sit at the computer and read manga! T__T I have so many manga I want to read..Speaking of manga, there's a special Ouran chapter coming out in Lala 3 (January 2011) - I'm so excited for it!! Apparently it'll be 60 pages :D
Oh yes, and I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. Yup, it's painful, and my face has swollen up a lot..on the plus side, I get to eat lots of soft food like ice-cream xD Hopefully I'll make a quick recovery..well, at least a recovery in the next 2 weeks, as I'm flying out to Canada/America on the 30th!
I've got so many things to do before I leave - we're still booking accommodation and transport xDD And I've got so many video-editing projects that I've gotta do before I go...Anyways, that's all for now I guess - I'd better get some more rest :)
/rant over.
Til next time!