Tootsies... is what I'm freezing off.
It's cold.. and raining... and dull grey looking.
I shared my planes with disease infested, fluid leaking, beauty defying children with instincts only to kick and scream. So... Well... actually I didn't care, so I just exaggerated everything just for the sake of writing something down. We did travel with screaming and seat kicking kids... but I figured, if you can't beat them (and you CAN'T beat them! It's against state law!!) then join them. So I started kicking and screaming too. or wait.. no... oh yea, I just listened to music and read my book. Funny how I get those mixed up.
So it's X-mas. WAS x-mas... What gives?? I just want to talk to Michelle on my little phone for 10 minutes to make my day seem a lil better or something but our cell phones are making their own decisions! Damn them! Today our cell phones are deciding just when to break up and disconnect time after time after time... and tomorrow? Tomorrow they will be demanding equal rights and a place on the high counsel. And then... the revolution. *sigh*
Anyway, the moral is we need to keep or phones on a tight leash. No decisions. We own them! They count for nothing! (except maybe 3/5 a person on election years) So... yea, they're just objects.
I got a lot of money for x-mas. Which is good. Cause I spent a lot of money for x-mas.
How odd that this is what x-mas comes to. Giving people what they already have.
Very few people have a
titanium spork. Could get them all titanium sporks next year...
Best get some sleep.
I got a heavy day of doing nothing to prep for tomorrow.