(no subject)

Jan 11, 2012 15:39

I have an interview tomorrow morning at Target to work in their 'Food Services' department. When I filled out the online application, that was my third choice (sales and cashier being one and two) and they probably want me there since I've been working at a local family restaurant since I was a senior in high school. If I thought my drive to the restaurant was short then if I work at Target too (this is me hoping I would be able to keep both jobs since I currently work on weekend mornings at the restaurant) I could save a ton of money on gas. If there's ever a nice day, I'd be able to walk there and back home. *sigh* Here's hoping this one works out.

On a writing front then, I have a chapter and a half finished on a spn vampire!boys story. I didn't write an opening chapter yet because for some reason opening chapters are really sort of difficult for me lately. Yeah, I don't really understand why I obsess over vampires (and characters turning into them) but anything to get writing these days, right?

'kay, guess I'll be going now. I've got only two days left to finish reading 'American Gods' by Neil Gaiman or else I'll have to renew it. I only have about 130 pages to go.

Later all - hope you have a nice day.


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