Jun 27, 2011 17:02
I quit my job at Amazon last week. I came home on Monday with bruises all over my arms making me look like an abuse victim and finally said enough was enough. So now I'm out of work again trying to find something local to tide me over until anything more permanent comes along. A job I really, really want is at a book store or library but it doesn't seem like they're hiring enough in my area. I already got rejected by our local Target store and I really don't want to have to work more in the food industry other than the job I've already got of course. But at the restaurant I can only work on Saturday mornings. I'm just disgruntled about the whole thing. I really want a stable job and hopefully I'll find something by the end of summer.
Other than that, I'm working on a Supernatural fanfic - an AU involving Team Free Will and Alpha's. It's different and excites me in a way a fanfic hasn't really in some time.
I'm also going to start reading 'Paradise Lost' to see what sorts of ideas I can use in my own works in the future. I'm thinking about doing a short story before the end of summer so I can submit it somewhere with the hope of getting something out for others to read.
Yeah so that's it really. I hope all of you are well and if you have any recommendations for books or fanfics I'd love to hear them. Later.