other lives...other posts

Mar 19, 2006 12:51

other lives...other posts....i read other peoples blogs on many different blogs that are out there and i am sure that i am just scratching the surface. it seems that there are many conflicts out there amongst people more than usual and that more and more people are posting them. that is why i hope that when others read my otherwise boring posts that they will take the time and reply as i will try to reply to theirs if it seems that their situation is similar to mine. has the world changed that much since i was a kid? or is it that i was just not aware of it all? perhaps a little of both. people seem angrier these days and now with the option of blogging to let it all out it is out there now in black and white. i believe that noone should get in trouble for blogging their thoughts. unless of course you are giving away govt secrets or threatening a live i suppose then you should be watched carefully and at least warned? but if you are somewhat discreet and you do not name names or give out specific info what then is the harm of letting go of your feelings in a simple blog. alot of people do not usually read your blog, just like alot of people most likely do not read mine. i suppose the way to get it out there is to make more friends and exchange blog addies? and that is my goal, to get out there, stop hiding in my little corner of the world and make lots of friends and get my thoughts out there amongst the crowd. i have a strong feeling that what i go thru in life and the things i run across are not uncommon, that there are others who have had similar situations and may be able to advise me or at least sympathize. i know when i see someone going thru what i have i at least try to tell them that they are not alone.

now to get myself at least somewhat organized. i have surfed so much that i try to at least bookmark where i have been but my bookmarks are a mess lol. so now i should go and at least make the attempt to sort out part of my life. feel free to comment or say hello.  blessed be

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