so today was pretty amazing.
we had a party in our lab. got to watch everyone's video's. ours turned out so much better than i thought it did. i wish you guys could see it! <3 everyone come over one day n ill make you a cake n we'll eat cake and watch my movie! yesssssssssssss. im forseriouse too.
i got asked out by a farmer-boy today lol
josh got in a wreck! we were supposed to hang out this weekend but not anymore. lol. some old lady rammed him. wednesday, thursday and friday is columbus! cant wait. christina is going to, and then saturday's andrew's 18th! kiers band's playin. it shall be fun <3 so josh is gay, right. well he slapped my ass n preston was standing right there n holy cow..he was pretty pissed. it was kinda funny seein him mad lol but yeah. <3 picture time!!!!!!!!!!!!
alex and I. I imagine this is what I would look like if i was to ever get stoned. haha
Neil. my mom was all"OMG BRANDI! A NORMAL GUY WHY DONT YOU DATE THIS ONE. HE'S ACTUALLY CUTE!!!!!!!!" lol shes been telling me that for 2 days now lmao. hes not my type tho :) way to shy for my likings.
my shoes! yessssssss BEST shoes. ever. my converse own your mom.
christina and andrew! <3 they are so gunna hook up soon <3
chantel! beautiful <3
preston. <3
DAN FOOSE! ahh i love this kid. lol hes an amazing at drawing, if you can see the pic.