Oct 25, 2005 18:08
so me and christina found some people to be in our play, a few random people in the hall way that we've never seen before. so yeah today was interesting, then we got to talk to the principal about having a scene where christina and kier kiss, not make out, just a peck on the lips, n he says "you can shake hands, but no kissing." not even blowing a kiss. yeah. lol but then our techer said to do it anyways lol
so charles, he makes me happy :) yeah. i love being with him its insain, id probably see him every day if i could he'd probably get annoyed as hell by me adventually lol i dont think i've really had a bf before that i've actually been this comfortable with/being around them all the time or whatever, so i think thats good. yeah. so im cold and tired and hungry lol so im out.
/////<3 brandi