I've been meaning to talk about this dream for DAYS but kept forgetting to post it here xD a lot of you probably have no idea what I'm talking about but let me have my moment >.<
Me and the Touken Ranbu boys were sent a mission to go back in time to Natzi Germany and to destroy them all.
So we go back and join the war. So we're practically on a Helms Deep/LOTR like building and turns out the main Natzi leaders look exactly like Tywin Lannister/Charles Dance and the guy from Star Wars xD
So me and the boys were defeating the Naztis and actually the castle was all above water on stilt like things so you could easily dive into the water below and have under water fights xD
During our battle we'd sneakily set up the castle with various booms and so while I was fighting underwater the booms detonated and it all ended perfectly with me and Yamanbagiri (who I LOVE!!!) who was actually the Aramaki version of him (MAKICHAN!!) sharing a kiss underwater in victory xD