So on Saturday I had the chance to go and see Tanaka freaking Koki live at a concert for the first time in over 4 years! Excited and shitting myself is an understatement.
If you all don't know, I freaking LOVE Koki and was totally heartbroken when he got forced out of JE but then got super happy when he started this band and while I've go all the albums and casually followed his blog and twitter, I didn't get a chance to see him until now! I was a little hesistant to buying the ticket at first but then I was like 'it's Koki! He ain't gunna disappoint' and he did not! OMG!!!
The concert was at a live house which are TINY stage rooms normally underground and there were only about 150 of us (fans) there so when he came out on stage, I immediately turned to my friend and we both went 'holy shit he's so close to us!' we didn't realise we'd be like HAND width away from him! And because of the lights and the random MCs that took place and the stuff Koki ended up doing during the concert, he definitely met eyes with EVERYONE else at least 5 times the entire concert! He definitely saw everyone who turned up! Holy moly...
Also me and my friend were like 'this is a standing con right? They'll only do like 90 minutes right?' the con went on for OVER 2 hours and we loved EVERY minute of it! We didn't want it to end!
Seriously guys, Koki has NOT changed. He still adorable and funny and so so so so honest about his feelings and you can feel it in his voice when he speaks that he's being sincerer <3 oh my I still love him! It was a relief to see him so happy and so well and so UNCHANGED and genuine!
Especially towards the end when he spoke about how INKT has just turned 2 years yet they've already lost a member and they started this tour in Kouchi but almost no one turned up so seeing how many turned up at Yokohama had made them all very happy. And they didn't even chant for an encore at Kouchi so they were all such grateful that we cheered so hard for two encores! He just kept saying 'you're feelings have hit my directly here (hold his hand) and I'm so greatful. I'm grateful you all came here today. We (the members) all have our our circumstances and things happen but being here with you guys makes it all worth it.'
He also said something that REALLY touched with him 'the one thing you can't do... is give up. Never give up. I'll never give up. So you shouldn't give up either. You can run away, but never give up.' and I thought it was a beautiful thing to say.
If you wanna see more fanreports/member tweets etc from this live then see
Luckily someone put up a song list too:
And even more lucky; I knew ALL the songs! It was one of those 'you don't realise how well you know the songs til you're tested' and it was so good singing along with Koki <3
Because it was a rock live too it was much more relax than a JE con (obviously) and we were all clapping, yelling, chanting, singing, jumping, there was a mini mosh pit too, handbanging and towards the end Koki semi-crowd surfed and stuff. So much fun!! But I was SO shattered after it xD I used SO much energy! I really hope they add another date for Yokohama on this tour so I can go again!
I seriously enjoyed it and it was great seeing Kok alive and well and enjoying what he's doing and seeing he hasn't changed and just... I'm very happy and glad I went <3