2013 D-Stage TRUMP ~ Reverse Version REVIEW!

Dec 19, 2015 23:09

Here I am!!!! The Truth Version is here. Let's get straight into it shall we, Elite-sama?

* This version of Reverse was better quality than what I had of Truth, but still I need more HQ!! xD Fingers crossed the DVDs (when I get them shhh) are better but I am still VERY greatful to the people who uplaoded both versions! ^_^

So yes first is my Play by Play:

I wish IkeP had a better role, Banli ain't that great to be honest but we'll see... (OMG that's seriously the first note I've written here! How about enjoying the play first Alex??)
It'll be weird watching this as I'm so used to them in Truth now! I wonder which version will prevail.
Ugh the old man is bad IkeP! I can defo tell it's him cos of his voice. OMG that laugh was ACE though!
IkeP's playing the role faster it seems...
"You're hands are shaking" nah they ain't, they didn't in Truth either... That's probably the only detail I hate in this play cos it ain't true!
IkeP's voice <33
Nishi does the multiple shots better.... I think I'm talking about when Sophie is shot in the beginning of the play. Yes I am...
Mitsuya x IkeP! <3 I thought IkeP was a lot taller than Mitsu though o_O OMG that scream! <3
Mitsu is playing old Sophie a lot darker than Nishi.
OMG IkeP doesn't suit being a good guy at all I think... we'll see >.<
I'm crying cos of this damn opening song!
Jinnai is sexy as FUUUU here!
Mitsuya is defo paying Sophie a lot darker and more attitude-y
Is Nishi's voice going? (Later me and Watermelon from twitter discuss how they had no mics and could very hell have been losing his voice).
Sophie has a RIGHT attitude!
NOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY WORLD IS RUINED!!!!! WHY THE FUUUUU IS JUNJUN BRUNETTE?!?!??! WHY!!!! WHY?!?!??!? (and just like that, Truth is my favourite version. Because Blonde JunJun is definitely my favourite JunJun <3) Also his legs are so long he (and Negi) look like spiders when they sit on those steps xD Their legs are too big and their bodies are too short xD
I feel the pacing in Reverse is a lot faster...
I don't like Kamitsuru as the Elite.
OMG Shiramata again is killing me with the three Elite's part!! >.<
Okubo is so sassy!
Awww Nishi grabbed Mitsu's hand when they were leaving <3 Mitsu always grabbed Nishi's wrist =[
I don't get why most of the roles has two wigs... just use their normal hair for one of the roles... no?
OMG You-chan's Gustav is COMPLETELY different!!! o_O
OMG Ike spot light! I like this scene... (I have no idea which scene I am talking about =/ *searches*) I'm talking about the scene where Gustav tries to punch the students in the stomache and he's just too weak for them to even feel it xD
"Mata Niuta" xD aka. "He undressed again"
Poor Negi!
"Chotto Chuubyou" Bwahaha
Ugh WHY Arai and Kami for this scene?! There's no sexiness! Ike and Shiramata's scene here was SO good!!
So Gustav's a narcassist xD I prefer Kenki's Gustav (after four watches I actually cannot decide which Gustav version I prefer more! What do you think?) But I love You-chan as both Gustav and Michelangelo!
Sadistics x Beautiful xD
Gustav is on her!!!!! >.< Bwahahaha
I like Shion's pronunciation of Allen too...
OMG that handshake >.<
IkeP is singing!!!!!! =O
IkeP is laughing!!!! xD
Nishi in the first library scene <3
It's very Dark vs Light in this version with Ul and Sophie. Nishi's Ul is definitely the light while Mitsu's Sophie is very dark.
OMG the short joke xD Poor Nishi!!! haha
The music is deeper for Angelico's entrance here.
Sho also sounds like his voice is going xD
The humor is off for Angelico. He's producing his lines much more flat.. not flat but... with a more serious tone.
This Raphael is very light... he's more sensitive, soft and an ill-child it seems.
OMG Michelangelo went to kiss Shintaro! OMG he kissed Nishi instead!!!
Nishi x Kenki!! OMG
Ike has his stage voice on ^_^
I don't like how Yamada plays Kraus dumb...
Jun ALSO sounds like his voice is going too!! xD What is going on?! Hehe
There's a lot more hand grabbing in this version.
Nishi's wiggle in the choir scene! xD SO CUTE!
Ike is TOTALLY playing Banli like Professor Snape!! >.<
I feel Mitsu x Ike vibes...
Mae checked the dictionary xD his part as Dali wasn't as funny but I did like the dictionary and "Dare da? Dali da!" xD
Kraus is definitely in love with Allen in this version!
No way are Ike and Mitsu the same height! I don't and won't believe it!
Shintaro doesn't have as much of an impact in my opinion as Angelico.
Nice sword catch Negi!
Look at the veins on Nishi's hands!!! <3
Jun really is good at grabbing people.... o dear now my mind has gone dirty... but he is really good at it in there!! I like it!!! Oh dear...
HAHAHA Michel used a hose xD "Ah Kieta! / Ah it disappeared!" Bwahaha
* Wait wait wait... a plot hole has come to my attention... Sophie tells Kraus not to turn Ul into an immortal vampire but ends up trying to do it himself anyway... waaaah?!?! Hmmm...
Mitsu's scream when he's turned!

And that's it!!

Overall: I really liked this version too. There was a lot more gayness in this version and it was interesting seeing every doing each other's role. They definitely all played the characters different. BUT, I do prefer Truth; Truth is much more funny and I feel they fit their characters more in Truth rather than Reverse. Nevertheless, I will still continue to watch both version >.<

Also, I am way too obsessed with this stage play and need something else to obsess over -- any suggests?! I've already rewatched Truth like 10 times and Reverse about 4 times in less than two weeks! I put it on EVERY night before I go to sleep! o_O I need help xD

negishi takuya, mitsuya ryo, jinnai sho, yamada yuuki, d-boys, stage play, shison jun, yamaguchi kenki, omi youichiro, d stage, akutsu shintaro, nishii yukito, review, d2boys, tsuchiya shion, ikeoka ryosuke, shiramata atsushi, maeyama takahisa, okubo shotarou, arai atsushi, trump

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