SOOOOO glad I saw this baby again!!! <3
We begin with Mae-chan and Taka-chan telling us the rules again but Taka-chan messed up straight away xD He said something and Mae-chan was like 'wa--what? What did you just say? That wasn't part of script!!' xD and then when he began the rules Taka slipped up again and said 'Ichi!! No wait! Hitotsu!!!' xD And then he also said (on purpose) 'MUTSU!' instead of 'Yotsu' cos that's his character name xD
Then obviously they were like 'where are the supporters?' *claps* 'And the none supporters?' *laughter and claps* 'and Yanagishita!' to which Tomo went: 'OOOOOOO!!!'
Taka: What? I can't hear you?
Tomo: OOOOOO!!!
Taka: One more time?
Tomo: OOOOOOO!!!
Mae: Okay so supporters, none supporters and Yanagishita Tomo *laughter* please enjoy!
Tomo was on the left side of the theatre which is near where I sat on Saturday but unfortunately on Tuesday I was on the right hand side =[
And thus the play began!!
Y'all already know about how much I love the costumes, action, story, acting etc. etc. so here's just some extras or changes that I noticed this time.
When Taka and Mae first meet Seto's character, just as they go to leave Taka held his hand out to shake Seto and Seto looked at him weird and then Taka changed his hands into scissors and went 'Janken! I WIN!' and ran off, Seto's faced cracked a big smile as the audience laughed along xD that defo wasn't scripted!! xD
Then we got to the wedding scene again and one of the Patch guys went first; he was shocked and Zukki was like 'you weren't expecting to go first were you? Mwahaha' xD And so the Patch guys story was that "well we were drinking with Zukki last night and we wanted another round so he kept telling us that he knew this really good place and kept telling us to go so we did and we walk in and he goes 'It's all full of old hags!!' " xD to which Zukki was like 'you're suppose to admit to your own crime not someone elses!!' and then Zukki went 'So the other day, I accidently called my mother an 'old hag' and she looked straight at me and said "you'll turn into your father if you say that' and I looked at my father and *I missed this part, sorry!*. This is Yanagishita Tomo's story!!" to which the entire crowd cracked up and looked towards Tomo xD
O btw, fucking Ikeoka's role! I needed SO much more of it! I am fucking in love with his character in this play!!
At the end of the play Seto staged Endo as the speaker at the end of tonight and he was like 'I wasn't expecting that' and also Seto messed up and went 'today is a holiday... no wait... our day off was yesterday' he said 'kyuujitsu' instead of 'kyuuenme' I think it was xD Endo was very adultlike and said how he's happy people came to see the play and that even know he's still thinking and worrying about how to improve his performance and such. His way of speaking made me respect him even more!
THEN there was the after talk. It made me so relieved to see him walking fine and he was even trying to do some of the sword fight moves and his legs knees were completely fine! <33
Tomo said how he'd seen them practise it 3 times but it's completely different when he's watching it among the audience and then they said we were gunna do a Janken competition with Tomo and Zukki came out into the crowd to monitor it. His first drew paper, I drew scissors so could stay stood up, he drew paper again, again scissors, and then he drew rock and I drew scissors so had to sit down. At this point Zukki came down my end and jumped up onto the stage - He is so tall!!! and was so close to me when he walked past! xD and then go down to the last three and a guy ended up winning! You won a signed Yuhiden poster! And you could tell he just got hella lucky and had no interest in D-BOYS but looked like his girlfriend was so hopefully he gave it to her. And before he left (the made he go to the front of the stage) they asked him which D-BOYS on stage that he liked and he said Zukki and Zukki's shocked face was HILARIOUS! xD
O and part way through the talk between D-BOYS and the Janken winner. One of the stage lights blew and Zukki was like 'THUNDER POWER!!! (Jyuuden!!!!)' and of course we ALL pissed ourselves cos the story talks about thunder a lot xD
I looked back at one point and looked like the After Talk was being filmed so I may be on the DVD!! xD
Quickly here are some pictures:
And that's all!
I wanna see it again so badly!!! =[ but no money! Cos I spent it all on goods and finally joining the fanclub and everything xD
Have you seen it? Share your stories below!!