Jun 09, 2013 20:41
OKAY so I am doing a Read-A-Thon this week. I missed the one in May as I've only just gotten back into serious reading this week (now that I'm finally ill-free for the first time in 3 weeks *finger crossed for the rest of the summer I am*).
SO, I plan this Read-A-Thon to be one week along and I will challenge five books, which should be a good ease back into reading (I hope) and should allow me to catch up to me Book Reading Goal of 2013 which I am currently 5 books behind - damn uni work getting in the way! -__- xD
Okay the books I am planning to read this week are:
Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Book One: The Final Empire (Currently 178 pages into it)
Laini Taylor - Daughter of Smoke and Bone (Currently 180 pages into it)
Elizabeth Vaughan - Warcry
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
George R.R. Martin - A Song of Ice and Fire
AND If they turn up in the post like they should be doing this week, I will also be reading:
Stephen Chbosky - The Perks of being a Wallflower
Nancy Jo Sales - The Bling Ring
So wish me luck!! I'll post another update at the end of the week consisting of what I read, what I finished, how many I finished and how many pages were read.
And I start at Monday 10th June at 12am =]