Title: Answer~警視庁検証捜査官
Title (romaji): Answer ~ Keishichou Kenshou Sousakan
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Crime
Episodes: 9
Viewership rating: 9.6 (Kanto)
Broadcast network: TV Asahi
Broadcast period: 2012-Apr-18 to 2012-Jun-13
Air time: Wednesday 21:00
Theme song: Two Hearts by Miura Daichi
With the progress made in forensic science, the number of cases of arrested criminals proven innocent because of new DNA tests have been increasing. The police always expect to swiftly solve cases. As crime scene detectives try to measure up to those expectations, they occasionally jump to wrong conclusions. Thus, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police's First Investigative Division set up the Evidence Verification Section and gave it the important task of validating cases that have been closed within a limited time in order to prevent wrongful convictions from happening as a result of out of control investigators at crime scenes. Deputy Inspector Shinkai Akira (Mizuki Arisa), a career elite who has been sidelined as a result of some incident, is assigned to be the new leader of the Evidence Verification Section. A sharp-minded female who gives the impression of an eccentric person, Akira breaks away from the bureaucratic work and genuinely starts to validate evidence, demonstrating her ability to take action and sense of justice in order to rally her disillusioned subordinates. Discovering new facts from small doubts in the reports, she overturns cases that should have been solved and finds the true criminals. -- Jdrama Weblog
Mizuki Arisa as Shinkai Akira
Tanabe Seiichi as Nagatomo Shinichi
Igarashi Shunji as Hasebe Yoshinobu
Tachibana Keita as Karasawa Junpei
Matsushige Yutaka as Usui Shozo
Kataoka Tsurutaro as Kogure Shigeo
Endo Kenichi as Higashide Yusuke
Mashima Hidekazu as Yukimura Isamu
Kazami Shingo as Aritomi Isao
I'll be honest... I didn't expect this to be much and only watched it for the sake of Igarashi Shunji but boy I underestimated it.
I really should've looked at the cast before hand because there are some amazing people in this dorama; Tanabe Seiichi, Matsushige Yutaka, Kataoka Tsurutaro, Endo Kenichi just to name some of the mains! And then the guests were awesome too! Oshinari Shugo, Ishiguro Hideo, Namioka Kazuki, Kamio Yuu, Shiraishi Miho and Kawano Naoki! (<< again just to name a few!)
This dorama isn't suspense filled but it's great seeing the crimes unfold and it does get your brain working slightly and it sure is comedy filled, very funny moments! But my humour is different to most so maybe it was/is just me that found certain things amusing in this ^_^
I was actually upset when it came to the end. It could've stretched to 10 or 11 episodes and then could've filled it when some of the Verfication Member's backgrounds as the only backgrounds we get are Shinkai's and Karasawa's.
O and for some reason, I really got the hots for Igarashi as I watched this. Must be because he was playing a cute character and was in a suit << I seem to love seeing Japanese men in suits! haha But yeah, I started to like Igarashi in that way whie I watched this so only time will tell if I develope perminant feelings for him hahaha xD
Btw, if you do not/did not cry at Episode 3 then... are you freaking kidding me?!!? It was such a sad and beautiful episode!
Namioka! I have seen him in loads of things but can't seem to place exact doramas =[
Ishiguro! ^_^ His character was so cute in this and I felt so sorry for him! =[ << Yes that is the police looking at his file, but you'll understand what I mean when you seen the episode xD
DOCOMO DO PADS/TABLETS?! I MUST HAVE!!! Haha YourDourga instead of YouTube *giggles*
Fudged?! FUDGED?! Fudge is my word!
OOOs Doctor!!!!! o_O
For some reason, seeing/hearing Igarashi saying this sparked my sudden like for him because the line suddenly made me think about him very inappropriately... oops. xD
Look how cute and awkward that smile is!! How can you not love this smile!! How can you not smile by seeing this smile?! xD
Oshinari! Another I've seen in so many doramas but ca'n't pinpoint him in a specific one =/
Another awkward and cute smile! Squee!! xD
Haha the face of DOOM!
O Igarashi xDDD This scene was hilarious - for me anyways haha
Haha yes we would all be worried if we saw Igarashi suddenly working seriously like he is here xD
CUTE! hehe Just me? Okay! Cannot believe he's 30.
Story: 7/10
Cast: 8/10
Characters: 8/10
Music: 8/10
ReWatch? Maybe... if I get a Igarashi obsession moment xD
Recommend? To police dorama lovers who like it to be not very serious and have good moments of comedy =]
Overall Rating: 8/10