Fuck You Kame-Weight Haters -__-

May 12, 2012 15:46

In response to this post: http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/3793810.html

I say:

How DARE they complain about Kame's weight! He's perfect just as he is ALWAYS! *cuddles Kame*

And I bring GIF and PicSpam thanks to those commenters on the post, starting with:

GIF and Images from: http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/3793810.html?thread=217106834#t217106834 and http://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/3793810.html?thread=217131666#t217131666

Kame + Food = Ship!

GIFs Credithttp://aramatheydidnt.livejournal.com/3793810.html?thread=217063058#t217063058

And wait wait wait, who's the Spokesperson for Aoki?

And who's the Spokesperson for Panasonic?

And who's the Spokesperson for Kirin?

And who looked fine on the last Going! with a sexy new haircut?

And who has very sexy arms for a very musclely sport such as Baseball?

^^ THOSE PANTS! *dies*

And who's sales have gone up since Kame became the spokes person?

AOKI Holdings's reports for Fiscal Year ended Mar 31, 2012 announced today have shown 10.6% increase in sales, and 25.7% increase in operating profit.

Sit Down Haters. I rest my case.

kat-tun, kamenashi kazuya

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