With pictures and all! =D
Here you go enjoy xD
Tomo's hair is growing back and Usui's is not blonde and long again xD yay! Seto with the sexy legs! *dies* Set is a cliff. Lots of men and OLDER men were there. Like 1 for every 15 girls! o_O Kaji turned up! Me and the two girls next to me had a fangirl moment xD and seemed to be the only ones to notice him come in!
Starts off with them at the age of 29, Tomo turns up first to get to the flat part of the cliff then Usui who he gives like two massive hugs to and then finally Hashimoto who he also hugs. The three of them are (Tomo, Usui and Taito) together meeting up after such a long time. Yanagishita is all fat and married X3 and the other two are not. Then stuffs said and Taito turns to Usui and is like “You still haven’t forgotten?” so the crowds like “Forgotten what?”…
Jumps to age 9 and Tomo can’t get over the cliff so well xD Nor later can he get back UP the cliff easily haha Seto looks so much thinner in real life =S Seto is sat on the rock part of cliff on his own all scrunched in a ball with a pouty face (Seto's character acts weird) while the other three play around on the flat part of the cliff and colouring and stuff. Then Usui asks Seto if he has a television and he replies simple ‘I have no television’ and Tomo (at the point eating sweets xD) makes fun of him and stuff. Also during the time Hashimoto has a go at Yanagishita for eating so much and Yanagishita says he’s stop but five seconds later he’s back to eating the sweets and Hashimoto is like ‘What did you just say?!’ haha also Hashimoto and Usui keep throwing Yanagishita’s cap on the rocks and over the rocks on the cliff so Yanagishita has to go and get them but because he’s fat we see him struggle to get up and it’s quite funny xD Then they ask if Seto if knows a story. Seto’s character changes into a confident normal Seto that we know character and tells the story as a narrator.
The story is about a king (Usui) and turning stuff into gold after a witch gives him the power to turn stuff to gold and he accidently turns his wife gold and goes to the witch for help (Tomo) and takes his wife to a lake and his wife turns back to normal and has the power to change stuff to water, so (annoyed at what he husband/the king had done) she changed all the gold stuff into water so he's poor and he builds something which (I think it was to represent that he made the sun or something) they loved then hate him thanks to his father (played by Tomo xDD) makes fun of him and the towns people hate him and begin to throw rocks at the gold disk thing and it breaks into a million pieces. Pretty colours surround the sky and everyone’s happy but then disappears. That's all there is to the story and the 9 year olds want more but that’s all there is and they comment on how sad the ending it. I got VERY jealous of Yanagishita dancing with a girl during the party of the colourful sky in the story!
Jumps to them aged 19 Taito and Usui are on the cliff after having been drinking and still are drinking and talk about getting a band together and becoming rock stars. This leads into Taito going to Usui and having a long kiss! YAY! And suddenly Yanagishita shows up (Yanagishita's hair xDD) just as it’s done and Taito acts totally normal but it’s obvious Usui is kinda like shocked from what had just happened. And Yanagishita talks about being the drummer in the band but also that reminding them that Seto had already made it as a rockstar before them.
Then jumps to Seto. Has a guitar and seems to have made it as a rockstar and places the guitar on the rocks and comes down the cliff to the flat part. Seems either to be drunk or been on drugs. He’s smoking (I was shocked!). He throws cigarette down the front of the stage (I was like WTF don’t set anything on fire!) and does the f-word finger gesture and stumbles towards the edge of the cliff and the lights black out as he approaches the end of the cliff. So at the point we assume he’s dead but we’re were like ‘Is he? Is he?’ So end of part one.
Very strange but very funny and very interesting beginning xD Wish I could’ve concentrated more but the jetlage had gotten to me haha O and a Monemane Kaji joke was made at one point by Yanagishita and we all laughed hysterically, especially seen as me and the two girls next to me KNEW he was there that night! xD
Part two, Black out. Back to age 19, Usui is on the edge of the cliff sitting with his legs dangling over. Yanagishita comes on stage in a suit and his funky curly hair and a conbini bag and puts the bags down and sneaks up to him and throws him forward then back. Usui freaks as he thought Yanagishita was gunna push him over (we realise here that this is before Seto’s jump) and Yanagishita tells him to calm down and he sits down on the floor and opens his bag and offers Usui sushi but Usui doesn't want it so he happy sits and eats it all after Hashimoto shows up and also declines. (I FEAR I HAVE A BLANK HERE. WILL FILL IN IF REMEMBERED.)
Now jumps back to age 9 and Usui and Seto are on the right side of the stage stood on the platform that has the side stage front seats, and are breaking in to their classroom (can’t remember if they said why or not) and Usui smashes the window and quietly jumps into the room whereas Seto (who has a tran(something) doll in his hand) jumps messily into the classroom and makes a loud landing. Then Seto get’s all jumpy at mistaking the classroom chairs for something scary xD Usui uses the puppet Hyugo (English: Hugo) (which Seto had mentioned earlier in the first scene of being aged 9 was who when he was asked if he hated his dad, he said he hated Hyugo and not his dad) and Seto ends up going absolutely crazy and rips this dummy apart and honestly has a mental break down and Usui tries to calm him down but doesn’t work. Absolutely FLAWLESS acting from Seto! And I thought his acting couldn't get any better!! I was proven wrong that night. Then Seto is finally calmed down and they promise that if one of them died, then they would do something (couldn’t catch what it was) or something xD Black out.
Now back in the present Aged 29. Been ages since they were at the classroom. Yanagishita has an intention to show them. Yanagishita turns up to the classroom first all happy and arranges the chairs all prettily and stuff and Usui and Hashimoto turn up, Usui is not happy with this and Hashimoto is neutral on the meet up. Quickly an argument takes place in the class room.
Black out, Seto appears back in his age 19 clothing. Seto speaks of how things/objects aren't really looked after by us humans yet then live longer than us and are in the world far longer than humans are. Then objects turn up and start dancing and stuff. There was a violin! Funky dance and Seto danced with a girl. Wasn't as jealous as what I was with Yanagishita o_O Then talk of how people can't connect and a dance involving all of the cast (dances and D-Boys) and they all danced like they were the N or all the S (if you know magnets you know there’s always a N and S side) side of a magnet and when they got too close the ‘friction’ forced them back. Then he took off his shirt!! I was very happy but he is REALLY thin at the moment! You could see his ribs when he breathed in.
Black out and back to them in the class room. Very good angry acting from Usui and Hashimoto said something like “You liked ___ and you still do” I wasn’t sure if he was on about liking Seto or about the Kiss or if it was even in a homosexual connotation but I took it as Hashimoto was saying Usui liked (as in fancied) Seto and that’s why he was always with him and why he is still so upset now. And then Usui yelled at them saying Yanagishita always made fun of Seto and that Hashimoto never did anything with him . Then Usui went to leave the classroom and threw 500yen at Yanagishita to pay for his intention and Usui dared to uncover it before Yanagishita said and he mess with the panel which didn't work at first but then it did and the invention started to work. Seto appears at the top of the mountain. He comes back to life (we assume) and like the story the stage fills with colour like in the story told previously and there’s colourful paper flying out of the invention and colourful lights and everyone’s happen and shocked Seto is there standing in front of them. But soon the light fades. I took it as you can remember the good times you had with someone but that person it still gone yet the memories are still there. I wasn't the only one crying thank god! But I was the only foreigner...
After Talk: Kaji said it was a very interesting play. And Seto and Kaji (SETOMO!) reminded everyone Yanagishita wasn't actually fat and Usui implied Kaji was very subtly! xD and Seto was there to back up Kaji xD Kaji said his favourite part was when Usui was scared by Yanagishita and was nearly pushed off the cliff (can’t you feel their love?! xDD). Seto said he wanted to be the key ring, so then Kaji said he wanted to be the pamphlet and finally Usui said he wanted to be the clear file.
I think that’s all xD